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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Gosh yes, fantastic! But blacken those blacks.
  2. Sorry mate, it doesn't work this way. Provide a link to one photo, and a photo of your own to work on.
  3. Somebody like you, doing this kind of work, should have made a library of bubbles by now. Crank up your bubble machine, or wand, or whatever, set up a black backdrop, and start photographing. Take plenty of photos at different sizes and apertures. When you edit them, make sure the background is nice and black. Then you can simply File>Place them on and change the layer blend mode to Screen.
  4. How are you going to create them? Do you mean photograph some more bubbles?
  5. Yeah, I can't see any reason why it would be a problem at your end.
  6. Looks fine here. Have you talked to the lab about it?
  7. Hi @Brooke BLP, may I have a whole screenshot so I can see your whole design, as well as your layers panel and stuff?
  8. How weird. You might have to ask X-Rite about it.
  9. Yes, but down the bottom of the page in the Troubleshooting section I tell you to try D65 if Native is too warm. Did you do so?
  10. So the calibration you just did then, using RGB LED, has given a too-warm result compared to the prints?
  11. And you've got a set of prints you keep for comparison?
  12. Which Technology Type have you chosen in Preferences?
  13. Yes ... isn't it? Have you checked? To see that your photos are on there?
  14. Terrific! And how about your non-photo files? Email attachments, personal documents, that kind of thing? Do you back them up onto that drive too?
  15. No more of an idiot than any other Lightroom user, I promise. This, in a nutshell, is the problem with Lightroom - its users don't truly know where their files are. Where did you backup to? An external hard drive, or a cloud?
  16. How have you backed up before now? It shouldn't be any different.
  17. Yes, that's right. This one is also important: https://www.damiensymonds.net/preventing-banding-in-backdrops/
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