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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. It seems that you don't understand that the painting is done on the mask, not on the image itself? In any case, I suspect it might be a moot point at the moment, because your floral photo looks like it needs a different method for whitening its background. That's why I need to see its SOOR.
  2. No, I don't think so. My wife has a GoPro and I've never noticed the problem. It's more likely a problem in your workflow. Not outside of class, sorry This is fundamental stuff.
  3. By the way, I noticed that your photo is untagged. This is really bad. Always make sure your images have their profile attached when saving.
  4. There are really no "tricks" to this editing, I promise. It's just good clean raw processing followed by good clean Levels editing. Student gallery
  5. Oh, and if you could post it bigger, that would be great
  6. No, the class is for either Photoshop or Elements. Your Photoshop is fine. PLEASE don't persevere with Lightroom any longer. You don't know how much better your workflow can be. https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-30-day-challenge
  7. Well, no, not "a" levels layer. As many levels layers as it takes. Some photos require as few as 5-10, others 20-30. But yes, in a general sense, your point is correct - you edit your photo to your satisfaction first. May I see the SOOR of this photo? ("Straight out of Raw" - that is, the raw processing done, but no Photoshop work yet.) I need to see how the background was in the original photo.
  8. Also, have you observed this behaviour with any other program? For example, if you have your web browser open on the ViewSonic, and drag it to the HP, does it adapt ok?
  9. More importantly, can you confirm that your multiple screen setting is set to "Extend"? http://www.freeworship.org.uk/images/ScreenSetupStep2.png Its VITALLY important that it's not set to "Duplicate".
  10. Ah, too bad. It's a bit harder to diagnose a problem from two months ago. Still, let's see what we can do. Am I correct in assuming that the ViewSonic is your Number 1 monitor in your Display settings?
  11. Brian discussed Malware software a bit in this thread.
  12. In case it helps Brian with his answer, which web browser do you use?
  13. Because the Photos program isn't colour-managed, of course. Only use Bridge to browse your photos on your computer.
  14. There's an important question I forgot to ask earlier. Are you familiar with using the Shift key? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/shift-while-brushing.html While it's possible to apply "tricks" to some images to whiten their backgrounds, there are other images (like your first one) for which there is simply no alternative than masking on a white Solid Color layer using the shift key.
  15. The second photo is good. The first one is NOT.
  16. I heartily understand your resistance to a subscription. I feel the same way. But no, if funds are limited, you MUST spend them on a calibrator before any software upgrades.
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