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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Oh boy. I think you should do the blending for now. Once that is done, you can warp it all together as desired.
  2. Of course, you don't need to pay full price to renew.
  3. I can't discuss this stuff outside of class, sorry.
  4. Lori, are you high again? I've told you to stop smoking that stuff.
  5. You must never start Photoshop work until the raw processing is done.
  6. Well, for the same reason we shoot in raw. It's good to start with as much range of colour as possible. How does this look?
  7. Oh! Actually, in this case, that's a good thing! Can you post the Adobe RGB files for me to see?
  8. Oh, it's totally possible, don't worry! Did you do the scanning, or were they sent to you already scanned?
  9. Not exactly. Open the first one into PS, then File>Place and choose the other raw file. No need for an intermediate PSD save. Only one PSD needed. Alas, I can't think of any "tricks", sorry.
  10. Do you have your filename extensions turned on? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/02/view-your-filename-extensions-windows.html
  11. Oh gee. Are they drawn on white paper? Or is it somewhat off-white?
  12. Since the only photos of the middle-sized kid looking at the camera have him squinting, maybe you could use H as your base? H is the only one where the oldest kid is any good, and middle kid is at least happy; and mum is ok too. That just leaves little kid and Dad, and you could use them both from J.
  13. It must be, but I don't know anything about video, sorry
  14. The PSD file is linked right there in the thread. Did you download it?
  15. No I didn't The Levels Class is the only one that genuinely changes lives, and you haven't taken it yet Yes, still the same. Just on a larger scale, as you sayd. Yes, one at a time. Here's the thing - you keep using the word "headswap", but it's vitally important not to lock yourself into that thinking. You need to approach each person on their merits. Always look for the best and easiest option. That won't always be headswaps. Sometimes it'll be face swaps, sometimes whole body swaps, sometimes, just torsos ... etc. So yes, I would like to see the photos.
  16. Well, PLEASE don't print it until you've taken the Sharpening Class. You need to do it justice.
  17. Beautiful. @Lara, check this out!!
  18. Alas, not smart enough, if you're making your black-and-whites in Lightroom. PLEASE don't wait any longer to take the Levels Class.
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