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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Give it a shot, and let me know. Remember there will be different instructions to follow.
  2. Bummer. What about when you calibrate the laptop screen? Does the problem exist there too? (I'm trying to ascertain if the calibrator is faulty.)
  3. Check your sorting. It sounds like you're not on Filename. No, sorry. This is a funny thing that Elements does, but PS can't. Elements automatically opens all images at full screen; where as Photoshop automatically at the next nearest standard zoom (66.67%, 50%, 33.33%, 25%, 16.7%, etc) below full screen. It has nothing to do with Bridge or ACR, by the way. It's the same if you're coming from LR.
  4. Perfect. Is the pink problem only evident in skin? How about in grey areas?
  5. Can you confirm that your print files are in the correct colour space?
  6. Terrific. Yep, that's perfect. Which one did you end up choosing? Yes, that's new. Just concentrate on the top number - the highest one. Which lab are your prints from?
  7. Hi Perli, are you calibrating a laptop screen, or a desktop one?
  8. Ok, let's see if @Brian knows of a system setting that might be doing it.
  9. The "Dynamic" thing is the only reason I can think of that might be attributable to the screens themselves. If they're both on "Standard" then I'd say it's a Mac issue. Did anything change two months ago that you can recall? New Mac, new calibrator, new OS?
  10. Great. Can you check to make sure the screens aren't on their "Dynamic" colour setting. They most likely should be on "Standard". It's not quite clear from your original question - does this problem happen all the time? Or only occasionally? And has it happened since forever, or can you remember there was a time when it didn't happen?
  11. Great, two of the same? Both calibrated the same?
  12. What makes/models are the external screens? Can you PLEASE hurry up and post some photos in the Raw and Levels classes? The Skin Class will blow your mind.
  13. Ok, so it must be an issue with the laptop then, not the screens. I might move this question into Brian's section, he's much better with Mac stuff than me.
  14. Do you mean you carry your laptop between work and home, and plug it in to each monitor depending where you are?
  15. Pah. That's not big. 60" is big. No, there's no visible benefit to exporting extra large from raw. The end (print) result is the same either way. So you definitely wouldn't bother putting that extra burden on your RAM and hard drive, for no benefit.
  16. Yeah, that's all about the lens, I reckon.
  17. Hi mate, do you mean your client has ordered large prints? Or large digital files?
  18. Please follow the posting guidelines. Most importantly point 1.
  19. I think he will find that VERY flattering. Well done. Please don't wait any longer for the Skin Class. It will change your life.
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