No. Anything "auto" is dangerous, and must not be done. The reason you're switching to Bridge is to make the quality of your images better, not worse.
If your photos need leveling, it's usually the very first step of your Photoshop editing, immediately after raw processing. Information about it here.
If the situation is more complex, and actual distortion is needed, it's still usually the very first step. Information here.
A very comprehensive discussion of these complex edits here. Please ask as many questions as you need to about this issue, because it's not easy to wrap your head around.
As I said, the purpose of switching to Bridge is to make your photos better, not worse. I won't entertain this question. Stop doing that awful shit to your photos.
Cropping never happens, EVER, during the editing workflow. Only during the output workflow. You will learn about it in the Sharpening Class.
Very important info here and here.
Once you take the Levels Class, you'll know how to naturally and seamlessly incorporate vignettes into your actual editing process, so that you won't need post-crop vignetting. Any form of automatic vignetting is unnatural and very last decade.
Again, you'll learn this in the Sharpening Class. But the short answer is Image Processor. Also, this is very important.