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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Great! So, calibrate again. This is not an uncommon glitch, it happens to everyone from time to time. Wait, what? Has this happened before?
  2. Interesting. Ok, if it's only doing it in colour-managed programs (Bridge and Photoshop), and if it's doing it to EVERY photo, even old ones, that indicates the monitor profile has corrupted. How long since your last calibration?
  3. Oh, right. Phew. This (I think) is a History States thing. In Photoshop's preferences, how many History states do you have set?
  4. Ok. Next test ... in Photoshop, go to View>Proof Setup>Monitor RGB. Does that change anything?
  5. How do they look in a "dumb" (non-colour-managed) viewer, such as Windows Viewer?
  6. What the hell, @MissusJay????? https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
  7. It makes absolutely no difference to the resultant file. It's simply a matter of your workflow preference. In what program?
  8. Yes, it is. Facebook only honours PNG files that are under 1 megabyte. Anything larger than that, it automatically converts it to a Jpeg file, and NOT kindly. It seems to apply nasty compression to it. Therefore, you're much better to save it as a Jpeg file yourself, if you see that your PNG is going to be over 1MB. When saving Jpegs for Facebook, I use 90 on the 0-100 quality scale, or 11 on the 0-12 scale.
  9. After you saved the PNG, what was the resultant file size?
  10. Hi Falon, have you browsed these? https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.349114581815415&type=1 I hope those will give you a basis for your own testing, and come up with what works best for your photos.
  11. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to look good. This looks fine.
  12. Fabulous! Now for the next step in improving your photos: https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-30-day-challenge
  13. $46 or $82. https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingraw-signup.html
  14. Not until you can demonstrate competent clean editing. This style will NOT work on flat images. This is vital.
  15. The Raw Class flow chart. You know, the one that steps you through white balance, exposure, etc.
  16. Not even close. Please follow the Flow Chart properly.
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