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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Don't delete it - just move it onto your desktop or somewhere. Then restart Photoshop and see what happens. If all hell breaks loose, put it back again.
  2. No no, no beer! Just keep it and put it towards the class soon.
  3. Ok, great! First, I added the Channel Mixer layer: Red 0, 0, +100, +8 Green 0, 0, +100, 0 Blue 0, 0, +100, -5 Masked on gently to the area. That'll do most of the work. But then I decided that some areas were still a bit too light, so I added a dodge and burn layer below the Channel Mixer layer, and burned a little. Please don't wait too long to take the Channel Mixer Class. It's so handy for all kinds of issues.
  4. Do you think this might satisfy him?
  5. Great! Did you read the whole article? You know what to look out for later in the workflow?
  6. Then that's not the correct folder. Keep looking. Somewhere buried deep is the Actions folder which installs with Photoshop. It'll have half a dozen default actions in it, with names like "Text Effects.atn" and "Frames.atn".
  7. As far as I can tell, your Photoshop Actions folder should be here: /Users/[user name]Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CC 2017/Presets/Actions Have you checked in that folder to make sure it really isn't there?
  8. No, it's moire: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/02/moire.html
  9. Nothing from the skin class only, since it's not a standalone class. Some from the whole workflow, though: https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/photos/a.183682458346830.39021.183680248347051/1434183749963355/?type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/photos/a.183682458346830.39021.183680248347051/1169995546382178/?type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/photos/a.183682458346830.39021.183680248347051/1173242026057530/?type=3&theater
  10. Oh, that looks about equal to me. I'm sure you agree that this focus isn't perfect. However, it's good enough to use, just. But it will need exactly the right sharpening. So for heaven's sake don't try to print it until you've taken the Sharpening Class.
  11. It looks really good at this size.
  12. Is there any part of her hands (or any other part of her body) that's more in-focus than her face? Or is everything about the same?
  13. Great. Please please PLEASE give me one month to change your life: https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-30-day-challenge
  14. Sadly, there are idiots who will tell you to use Adobe RGB in every language. None of them are right.
  15. It has to be EXACTLY as in the article. Ignore anything else you've read, ever.
  16. Right ... and have you fixed that problem? Oh, you'll need this too: https://www.damiensymonds.net/color-space-settings-for-the-lightroom-user.html
  17. Ok, great. Can you do this for me? Follow it all the way to its conclusion, then report back: https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
  18. Ok, this is good info. I don't know anything about Xee, but that doesn't matter. Can you tell me, if you re-open the images into Photoshop again, do they look ok there?
  19. Hi @arizona77, can you tell me which program you're viewing them in after saving?
  20. Well, you might be able to borrow some crease from the other eye? You're very lucky, the eye itself hasn't been affected.
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