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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Did you end up getting a satisfactory outcome on this?
  2. I urge you to take a screenshot, or a series of screenshots if necessary, of the print settings that are working for you right now. To refer back to if a problem pops up again, you know?
  3. Right. So the only possible explanation is that you DIDN'T have the print settings exactly the same when printing the indoor one by itself. I know you said you were sure you did, but I don't see how there can possibly be any other explanation. I bet that if you copied and pasted ANY of your new photos onto this old photo, they would all print correctly. So that means the old photo has the exact correct print settings attached.
  4. Ok. So what if you literally copied and pasted the indoor one onto the outdoor one, then printed?
  5. Which one prints correctly? The indoor one or the outdoor one?
  6. That'll do. So are you saying that if you printed those two photos right now, one would match your screen and the other wouldn't?
  7. We'll come back to those. Has sRGB fixed the problem in other cases?
  8. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! In that case, then you'll probably find the new problem is here.
  9. It's called "Chromatic aberration", and you can fix it like this: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/12/fixing-chromatic-aberration.html It happens, sometimes, on edges of high contrast, and I believe some lenses are more prone to it than others. Some really good info about CA from Brian in this post.
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