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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Only if you want your photos to be good. If you're happy for them to be shit, by all means use Lightroom.
  2. Hi, thanks for posting. Which aspect are you having trouble with - putting him in the photo, or making his colours match?
  3. It's going to be a great photo.
  4. Your vignette is a bit too obvious, isn't it?
  5. Hi Erin, did you see this one from last week?
  6. Gosh yeah, of course it can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The point of the article is that you must only ever use colour-managed programs. Ever.
  7. Yes, such is the nature of wide gamut screens. Did I give you this link to read? http://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/08/buying-wide-gamut-screen.html
  8. That is an EXCELLENT monitor. Don't change it. What troubles are you having with calibration, exactly?
  9. Oh yes, this is EXCELLENT focus! Well done, to you and your camera.
  10. Yes, small prints first.
  11. Ok, so you should simply be able to select all the layers except the Background layer, and Ctrl G to group them. Then drag the group to the little page-with-its-corner-turned-up icon at the bottom of the layers panel, to make a copy of it. Then go to the Canvas Size dialog, click in one of the top squares of the three-by-three grid, then double the height of the document. Then, with the Move Tool selected, and the copied group still highlighted, drag all the layers down.
  12. Spyders are irritating like this. Have you tried completely uninstalling then reinstalling the software?
  13. Do your cloning on a new blank layer above the D&S layer. Why is it a bad idea that it brings along the existing layer mask? Can't you just paint it more or less as needed?
  14. Gosh, a 20x30 canvas is very expensive, I wouldn't leave this to chance. How is your screen looking different from your pro lab prints, exactly?
  15. Oh yeah, it's probably the 4GB of RAM Well, that sucks, but you'll probably have to save jpeg versions of your PSD files in order to be able to place them.
  16. Oh, gee. Can you do this for me? http://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
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