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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Terrific! Then I have the very video you need: http://www.damiensymonds.net/client-photoshop
  2. I reckon it's better to squash it down. It's very easy to do with Liquify. Download the PSD
  3. Perfect, thanks. SO, are you wanting to fill in the gap, or squash the hair down so there isn't a gap any more?
  4. Alas, the angle won't work Yep, that's what I was thinking too. And it's easy enough. Just sample the sand colour with your eyedropper tool, then add a Solid Color layer of that colour, and set it to "Color" blend mode; then mask on carefully.
  5. Wait, what?? You told me you couldn't copy and flip! You can definitely copy and flip this.
  6. Sorry, what part of "this us unusable" isn't clear?
  7. Ok, I need more information. What format are they in presently? For what purpose are you putting them on disk? And in what format?
  8. There are a few levels to this discussion, I guess. First, do you have your preferences set up like this?
  9. May I see the other eye, at least? I need to know what colour the sclera is supposed to be. Does this look dodgy?
  10. Before I explore the channels - copy and flip isn't an option?
  11. Alas, this is unusable, sorry. Even for canvas, which is forgiving, this would look awful.
  12. Um, no, we need all the noise removal we can get. Put that Luminance slider back up. WAY up.
  13. Well, I'm not sure, exactly. I suspect your noise "Detail" and "Contrast" sliders (which you have both presently set at 84) are too high as well. But until I see it without the awful sharpening, I can't really tell.
  14. Oh yeah, gosh, can't you see how much damage the Sharpening is doing?? That slider MUST be at 0. Do that, then show me the 100% crop again.
  15. Gosh, that's dreadful. Something's gone badly wrong here. May I see a screenshot of your Detail panel in raw?
  16. No, not the Crop Tool. Read the instructions again, please.
  17. That 100% crop is WAY too large of a portion of the whole photo. What are the pixel dimensions of the whole photo?
  18. Please read this again and again and again and again and again until it STICKS.
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