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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. The lab (or their website) will tell you their advised resolution. Most labs use 300, but always check, because some differ. Once you have that number, then yes, you crop each print file to the exact size you need, at that exact resolution. Then sharpen it, then save it as a jpeg, ready to send to the lab. No, you can never use one file for different sizes of prints.
  2. Correct. Correct. There is no automatic way. Have you seen this? As long as you end up with jpeg files, it doesn't matter how you got 'em. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 11:15 principle is ONLY for files you're selling to clients. When you are printing them yourself, you crop to the EXACT size and resolution they need to be. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/09/cropping-tutorial.html http://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingsharp.html
  3. This isn't filling me full of confidence. Please check this way.
  4. That's weird, isn't it? I suggest you ask her to email it back to you, so you can very closely compare the files on your screen.
  5. I'd give a heck of a lot to know if this happens at another lab.
  6. I have to go to bed now, I'm beat. I'll check in to see how you went in the morning.
  7. No no, that's ok! That's probably good, actually. Hold on, I'll upload the PSD ... Download the PSD file
  8. Gosh. Maybe 5% was too low for the opacity of the noise layer?
  9. Before I explain it, can you tell me if you have any photos of her where her face (and therefore her eye) is bigger in the shot?
  10. Do not sharpen before putting the images in the design.
  11. I cover this at length in the Sharpening Class. Time for a re-read?
  12. Gosh no, ACR is too much trouble. Just select them all in Bridge and use Tools>Photoshop>Image Processor.
  13. So it does advance? If you remember to press the Update button? You really need to calibrate another computer.
  14. Remember, what you "think" or "like" or "remember" is completely irrelevant. We can only discuss the direct print to screen comparison. How does your screen compare to your prints? Are you remembering to press the "Update" button?
  15. This is tricky, you'd need your outsourcer to edit with the 2010 sliders so that you could open it at your end. If they edited with the new sliders, you wouldn't be able to use 'em. Have you talked to them about it?
  16. In what way? I'm so sorry, can you elaborate on this question? Which sliders? Oh yes, it matters. 90 is excellent. If you were at 120 before, that was definitely part of your problem. 120 is always too high. Oh, good question. Yes, all calibrators fail eventually, although we like to get more than a couple of years out of them. It shouldn't take so long, that's for sure. To check, you'd need to calibrate another computer with it, and see if it does the same. Do you have another computer in your house?
  17. I went searching for old convos about this ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/195567190503489/permalink/975022662557934/?match=YnV0dGVyZmxpZXM%3D https://www.facebook.com/groups/195567190503489/permalink/951363598257174/?match=YnV0dGVyZmxpZXMsYnV0dGVyZmx5 https://www.facebook.com/groups/195567190503489/permalink/902169913176543/?match=YnV0dGVyZmxpZXM%3D
  18. If in doubt, always start from scratch. Including this. I guess that remains to be seen, doesn't it? Depends how bad they are. By the way, please don't wait a moment longer to take the Sharpening Class. If you have clients, you need this class, period.
  19. Does your printed version include the troubleshooting steps?
  20. Here are the PSDs: Download Download Download You'll see the method is roughly the same for all. Two of them use the green channel, one uses the red channel.
  21. Hi Misi, are you following my instructions here? You need to understand that your prints are ALWAYS right. Whether you like them or not, they are correct. So, if your screen doesn't match your prints, it's your screen that's wrong.
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