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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Wow, that sounds weird!!! Have you spoken to Dell on the phone about it?
  2. Then we have nothing to talk about, sorry. This isn't fair to the artist.
  3. I haven't used one for a while, but yes, I think that's right. Can you explain this statement?
  4. Well, for print you DO need a resolution, of course (eg 300ppi, if that's what your lab uses).
  5. Yep, Ratio is the perfect setting for this. But of course, you'd need to change it when cropping for print.
  6. If the levels layer doesn't work for the others, please feel free to post them in this thread as well.
  7. No, no, no, that's the point, don't you see? There is no set aspect ratio. Because of the responsive site. You just PICK an aspect ratio that you like, and use it for all images. Roughly 2:3, I guess, but err towards squarer if anything. Use 1500px wide, and sharpen for web in the usual way. That's all you can do.
  8. Ok, great. We definitely need to talk about this one in the Raw Class please. Go ahead and post it there.
  9. Oh, interesting! I wonder if they mean 1500 width even for portrait photos? Or doesn't the site allow for portrait photos?
  10. Hi Cyndi, you did exactly right, thanks. This is a fairly simple fix with a Levels adjustment, followed by the Handyman Method. Download the PSD file
  11. Hi Kerry, may I see the whole photo for context?
  12. No, darn it, an actual link to the page it's on. So credit can be given to the artist.
  13. I have never suggested cropping to 5:7 shape. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/02/selling-digital-images.html Can you show me a screenshot of the options that are available to you?
  14. Why would you need to do that? Unfortunately, you can't. Nobody has ever found a way.
  15. Because you're looking in the wrong drop-down menu, ya goose! ?
  16. Great. You mentioned D55 and D65 - are those the Munki settings? What about the screen's presets? Have you tried a variety of those?
  17. Hi Karen, first, can you assure me that your light isn't the problem? It frequently is, in these situations.
  18. I need you to provide a link to the example image. And probably your two separate photos.
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