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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. I need entire screenshots, showing the layers panel and options bar for each tool. Also, please do this for me.
  2. While it's technically true that the could have a little more contrast, no, they don't look flat to me.
  3. Well ... I certainly would be interested to see what happened if you had the exact same files printed on lustre, for comparison.
  4. @Brian? @Christina Keddie? @Kim? Any advice about this?
  5. Not even Shift. Just zoom way in and use a very small brush, very patiently.
  6. Ok, so I'd start by opening it in your raw program and fixing the white balance. Then in PS, draw guides where you think your square crop will go, and add a clone layer to clone out the bits of people on either side. Then choose a light-coloured "Solid Color" layer, and mask it onto the background, over the guy.
  7. You and I know what's been done, but I don't think the casual observer would pick it.
  8. Yeah, I think that last one would work. The right-hand side.
  9. Actually, yes, another photo with some slightly different greenery would be a terrific solution if possible. But it would have to be pretty dark greenery, yes? Or possible to be made pretty dark, at least.
  10. What lens, and what focal length?
  11. That's not too bad. You might get a passable 8x8 inch canvas out of it. Do you think she would be happy with that? (Assuming we can remove the guy, of course).
  12. Bummer. How's the focus? If it's razor sharp, it might still be big enough for a small canvas.
  13. Yes, that seems the most likely cause. If you have other prints from the same lab that do match your screen, and if you're still safely in sRGB, there's no reason why this batch shouldn't have matched too.
  14. Even by the standards of eleven years ago, 1.5 megapixels was oddly small. Are you sure you have the exact file that came out of the camera? Not a copy that's been shrunk by an email program, perhaps?
  15. Hi Jacki, Is it a scan of a print? Or is it a digital file?
  16. This will blow you away: http://www.damiensymonds.net/act_web.html It takes a little while to set up, but is WELL worth it.
  17. Oh, that's such a tough one. Can you tell me exactly what screen it is, and which calibrator?
  18. Have you watched these two? Take control of your files Bridge video
  19. As far as I know, cover pics are still 851x315 pixels. For sharpening, browse these and see what you like.
  20. Please post sharpening questions in the class, thanks.
  21. No Reva. Do the whole thing yourself, exactly per my instructions. That's the only way to guarantee the quality.
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