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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT the Burn Tool. Please read the dodge and burn link I gave you.
  2. Perfect. Now change its blend mode to Soft Light, and start painting.
  3. I urge you to take the Layers & Masks Class as soon as you can. All of this stuff will be MUCH easier then.
  4. No, now you've clipped the clone one to the background layer. Undo that. You need to select the top layer, and clip it to the clone layer.
  5. No, you've clipped BOTH the layers. Layer 1 should be clipped to Clone, but Clone should NOT be clipped to Background.
  6. Just one more thing. Add a blank layer and set it to Soft Light blend mode, and clip it (Cmd Opt G) to the clone layer. That's your dodge and burn layer. With a very low opacity black brush, paint some shadowing where needed.
  7. Perfect! Now turn your mask back on, and mask all the way out:
  8. Good, but clone out even more. Clone out most of the toes, and all of the fingertips.
  9. Hey, that's looking more promising, well done! Shift-click the layer mask thumbnail for me, to turn off the mask temporarily, and show me another screenshot, so I can see your cloning.
  10. Great. Then if you've got your calibration matching your test prints, you have nothing to worry about.
  11. At face value, it sounds like a room lighting issue. If your room lighting is too dim and too yellow (as room lighting often is) it will cause the problems you describle. Could this be the case?
  12. You've done a good job. But for kicks, can you try something for me? Turn off all your layers for now, so you're back to the SOOR. Then add a Channel Mixer adjustment layer, and check the "Monochrome" checkbox. Enter 0, 0, +100, 0 for the four values. This will turn the photo black-and-white. Then lower the opacity of that layer to your taste (I found that about 60% is good).
  13. Yep, I think you should get away with those. Except ... do you also need to enlarge the piece on the blue plate?
  14. This isn't my area, but I was of the understanding that it did this automatically. If you go to Preferences>General, there should be a setting about "Treat raw and jpeg files as seperate photos". Make sure that box isn't checked.
  15. It should be sufficient to add a Levels layer, and move the middle slider on the Red channel to 1.15; and the middle slider on the Green channel to 1.05. Then mask on gently.
  16. http://www.damiensymonds.net/lab-reviews Can you submit one about ProDPI please? People need to know.
  17. First, duplicated the Background layer, and immediately converted it to a Smart Object. This is vitally important: Then halved the opacity of that layer, and Ctrl T to transform it bigger as needed. I also found I needed to rotate it ever so slightly: Then returned it to 100% opacity, and masked it in carefully:
  18. Yes, I guess you'd need to enlarge the cake:
  19. Oh gosh, that's REALLY bad. I gave you this link earlier. Please read it: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/role-of-masks-when-cloning.html
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