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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. That's an odd use of the word "finally". It makes it sound like getting a Mac is a good thing. My wife and son have been dreadfully sick with flu over the last couple of weeks, and this morning I'm feeling headachy and run down. I'd say I'm "finally" getting it too.
  2. It's called "Tone Mapping". Google and YouTube searches will find you plenty of hits. It may also be called "Tonemapping".
  3. I mean, follow the class exactly. Forget any fanciful ideas about "not losing highlights". Follow the class EXACTLY.
  4. I got the file, but I have no solution for this, sorry.
  5. Harden up. This is real life. You have to work within the parameters of reality.
  6. Literally just add a white Solid Color layer, and use a soft brush to mask it on? Or make a Marquee selection (don't have any feather set for the Marquee Tool) around the photo at approximately the right place, then invert the selection, then add the white Solid Color layer. Then make sure you click on the mask of the layer, then use Gaussian Blur to your taste.
  7. Never EVER try to fix a wall like this. It's too dangerous. Always replace it. http://www.damiensymonds.net/preventing-banding-in-backdrops/
  8. So strange. Yes, I assume that uninstalling CS5 would work. But if you're not ready to do that, you'll just have to keep using Ctrl O, rather than Ctrl R, to open the files, eh?
  9. Yeah, gosh, that's really weird! Have you gone to Bridge's Help menu and hit "Updates" to make sure everything is, in fact, up to date?
  10. No, uploading other people's photos is NOT cool. Find links to them that I can see, please, or find other examples.
  11. Yeah, I think that's safer.
  12. Go to Edit>Preferences, and then to "File Type Associations" and see where it's pointing to for raw files.
  13. Go for it! By the way, I've moved this post into the correct section.
  14. I don't know, but I know it won't be anywhere as easy as in Nik. Are you sure you need to go to the effort? If so, can you send me the raw file?
  15. I'm so sorry, I can't see those links for some reason. It's possible the photographer has their page set to only be visible to people from her own country.
  16. I'm afraid I don't see how cloning will work by itself, since the glare is obscuring the curve of the crease of the upper eyelids. It will take some very careful copying/pasting/moving/rotating/masking of the creases from the outer part of each lid.
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