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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. What??? Because it's tiny, of course!!! I didn't give you that file just to use. I gave it to you so you could copy the steps on your own full-size file.
  2. Good, but you'll also need to paint (at low opacity) on the pink cast on the floor too.
  3. Gosh, great work. Well done.
  4. Well, it depends on the situation. If you cloned something in the right place, but just the wrong colour or whatever, simply clone over it. But yes, if you cloned onto an area that wasn't supposed to be cloned onto, masking.
  5. Channel Mixer layer: Red 0, +55, 0 Green 0, +47, 0 Blue 0, +55, 0 Then start the very painful masking.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/195567190503489/permalink/620088411384696/ I do intend to convert that thread into a proper article ... I haven't got around to it yet, sorry. There are a few ways to accomplish this, so let me know if you need to discuss further.
  7. No I don't, sorry. I would simply remove all colour from the dummy, and live with it.
  8. It reminded me of this one.
  9. As long as you shot raw, you'll be fine. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/07/raw-noise-removal.html http://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/10/noise-reduction-and-sharpening-leap-of.html
  10. To be honest, very often it shouldn't matter. It all depends on which blend mode you use.
  11. Well, I haven't made videos for the same reason I haven't written any tutorials. Because every situation is different.
  12. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Sun on faces is a Photoshop matter, and Photoshop editing must not be done until raw processing is completed. Please do so, then post in the Raw Class for my approval.
  13. How odd. Ah well, no biggie. Use Tools > Photoshop > Image Processor instead.
  14. Oh, I'm so sorry, no, there isn't. Never mind, cloning will do.
  15. Actually, it was the Patch Tool. For the patch on the far left. No, not select-copy-paste. Select then Ctrl J. Technically they probably should be a smart object, but I think we can get away with it.
  16. Download the PSD file First, duplicated the Background layer and did a bit of basic cloning and healing, with the main intent of getting one good eye. Then I copied some chunks of that eye as needed, moved them over and used them to repair the other eye.
  17. For this, 10%, I think. And yes, constant resampling from different areas. Patience is the key.
  18. This one is more difficult. This is the best I can manage: Would it be good enough?
  19. For the camera-right eye, simply patient low-opacity cloning. For the camera-left eye, a Levels layer: Red channel 75/1.00/255 Green and Blue channels 85/1.15/255 Then mask on at low opacity.
  20. Follow the link Christina gave. All the way through. It will fix this terrible problem.
  21. Hi Lisa, can you provide links to photos with the great pop you desire? So I can see what you like?
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