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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. That's right. And I'm happy to help you with that part, if you'd like to post your SOOR.
  2. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/11/the-bldy-adjustment-brush.html
  3. Hi Jessica, I've moved this post into Brian's section, because he knows more about this stuff than I do. Is there anything in here that helps?
  4. Thanks. What you've done is great, and I believe completely adequate. We wouldn't expect to see a catchlight in an eye down there near the ground, on either an animal or a person. If you like, just dodge the outermost part of the eye a bit, to lighten it a bit more.
  5. A 100% crop!!!! 700x700 pixels, exactly as you did before. From the SOOR - that is, with the raw editing done, but no Photoshop work.
  6. What on earth is the problem? You've already posted a 100% crop. I just want another one, from the SOOR.
  7. Hmmm ... right-click on your black taskbar down the bottom, and choose "Task Manager". Look under both "Processes" and "Services" and quit any reference to Spyder or Datacolor you find there.
  8. Are you sure you didn't miss this part? http://www.damiensymonds.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/06s5elite02-1.gif
  9. Hi Ada, did you follow my instructions?
  10. Well, both, as far as possible. Exposure for the people and keep the background dark. Please be patient. Finish the class.
  11. Should be quite easy. Just duplicate the Background layer, and set its blend mode to "Color". Then apply Gaussian Blur - enough to remove the pattern - about 10.0 should do it. Then add a black mask to the layer, and paint on just where needed.
  12. Is this SOOR, or has there been some Photoshop work done also?
  13. This is all I can offer: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/03/softening-hard-shadows-method-1.html But gosh, this will be REALLY hard. It would be much easier to arrange a re-shoot.
  14. Do you still have the blanket in your possession? It might be easiest to take another photo of it.
  15. Just one SSD is enough, I think. For your operating system. Then a regular internal hard drive as well - a terabyte or two - for file storage. I believe i5 is sufficient - i7 is not necessary. But I'm talking out of my hat here. Brian will help with more deets.
  16. Now may I see a 100% crop of her face?
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