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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. We need to be very clear about this ... ... or no difference at all? It's most likely that they're identical between ACR and PS when both are viewed at 100%. But I need you to confirm that before we move on to the next part of the discussion.
  2. Thanks. Now could you zoom in to 100% on the file in ACR, and take a screenshot to show me how it differs there? This is only half of the recommended minimum RAM for CS6. You're likely to have problems.
  3. First things first, please don't halve your hard drive space and computer power by working in 16-bit. It's completely unnecessary. Secondly, please show me a 100% crop of the grain in Photoshop. Thirdly, fill this out for me.
  4. I figure maybe it will be necessary to add some floor to the right-hand side, at least? What are your thoughts?
  5. By the way, have you seen this one? http://www.damiensymonds.net/demonstration-extending-studio-floor-backdrop-photoshop.html
  6. No, it's ok, let's just talk it through. My first question is - do you think you'll need to extend the flooring either side also? Or can you crop it close enough to prevent that necessity?
  7. Yes, of course. "Dumb" programs like that aren't colour-managed, so they must never be used.
  8. The most common cause is if you forgot this: http://www.damiensymonds.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/06s5elite02-1.gif
  9. Oversaturated in Photoshop, do you mean, or in other programs?
  10. Try adding a Levels layer, and move the middle slider on each of the three channels: Red channel 2.50 Green channel 1.50 Blue channel 1.35 Then invert the mask and paint on gently where needed.
  11. Sorry, no "tricks" here. Just very patient cloning.
  12. Yeah, we need to know if that works ok. It'll give us some clues about the problem.
  13. Right, because when I write articles about sharpening, they're about sharpening. When sharpening happens, I mean. At the end of the workflow.
  14. Gosh yes, I strongly advise it in most cases. Sharpening is for output, very specific to the size and medium, at the other end of the workflow.
  15. Go ahead and do your Levels work and post it in the Levels Class so we can discuss there.
  16. I would never have known. Good work.
  17. Yes, I'd say your friend is right. Have you calibrated the Yoga's screen?
  18. Since you've done all the raw processing, can't you give him maximum quality jpegs? Definitely don't give PSD or TIFF.
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