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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. No, it's a problem with the monitor profile. Well, the absence of one. Since there isn't one, I assume various programs are just having to "guess" at how to render colours accurately, and they're guessing differently.
  2. Oh gosh, you must NEVER touch that screen. Back away from it slowly with your hands where I can see them! Seriously, it's horrible. It does not play nicely with calibration.
  3. Sorry, I must have misunderstood your original comment. I thought you said you preferred that arm position?
  4. I'm proud to say that Andrea is an alumni of my Raw and Levels classes. First, have you read this? You say the light is very similar, but in truth it's not. Every degree further back the light source is, the more strongly the skin texture is exaggerated. And of course your subject is likely to have much more skin texture to begin with anyway. Are you at least familiar with dodge and burn?
  5. If we find this to be true - that is, if they actually require you to convert your images to their profiles before sending - then you must run away from them as fast as you can. Sadly, there are still some labs who do this. However if, as Samantha said, the profiles are provided for soft-proofing purposes, this is a good thing.
  6. Hi Stephanie, this is a simple matter of raw processing. Once you get the white balance correct in your photo, then all you'll need to do is make sure it's bright enough for your taste.
  7. No. It might be possible. I think you'd need to swap most of the baby's body, and all of the boy. That would probably be more workable than just a face and arm swap.
  8. Gosh, that's interesting. Have you tried it with both raw and jpeg files? Does it behave the same way in both cases?
  9. Yes, that's the structure of this new home. Any time you have a question arising from anything you read, start your own thread about it.
  10. Make sure you're only using prints from the lab that you will be using into the future.
  11. Because this moire is very mild, it will be sufficient to add a jeans-blue Solid Color layer, set to "Color" blend mode, and mask it on. No need for any fancy Channel Mixer stuff with this, I'm pleased to say.
  12. PLEASE stop saving png files for web. They're grossly overrated.
  13. Hi jsocrchik, which web browser do you use? May I have a link to where you've uploaded one to Facebook? What about if you upload one here to this forum?
  14. Well, you'll have to check. Open the resulting multi-page PDF file in Adobe Reader, and zoom waaaaay in. The images should go pixely, but the text should remain smooth. Yes, but it's slightly flaky, so make sure you save the PSD master files first. Don't rely on PDF files if you need to go back and adjust your layers.
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