Add a Levels adjustment layer and enter these values:
- Red channel: 0/1.00/230
- Green channel: 85/1.00/230
- Blue channel: 125/1.00/225
This will make the whole photo kinda crazy orange.
Then invert the mask to hide the adjustment. Then use a big soft brush at 10% opacity to paint onto the problem area.
You should definitely try using it.
You'll likely need to get the ccProfiler software (second one on this page: )
No, never. Contrast remains at factory default.
I can't possibly tell that without being in the room with you, sorry. That's your call to make.
Gosh yes, it's great.
No, the card reader is the correct thing to use.
I mean don't do this stupid shit:
Just literally copy the files from the card to a folder on your computer.
Well, if I was doing it, I'd just add a Levels layer, and move the middle slider on the Green channel to 0.87, and the middle slider on the Blue channel to 0.78.