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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. When it comes to printing, then it really IS more complicated.
  2. Well, start here: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/05/best-practice-for-web-photos.html I think you think this is more complicated than it really is. Just resize using Image Size, then sharpen and save.
  3. Well, none of that is any different with your R5 than it was with your previous cameras. It's ALWAYS been necessary to shrink files for email and Facebook. How have you done it in the past?
  4. I can't see that you've done anything wrong here. May I also see the 'Output' page?
  5. Sorry, I meant a screenshot in Photoshop. So I can see your layers and stuff.
  6. "For images above" should be 300. And for "Image Quality", High is okay. Let me know how much difference that makes.
  7. You're absolutely correct, PDF is the right (and only) way to save. However, if they're "way too big" there must be something else wrong. What kind of documents are you creating, exactly?
  8. First, have you read this? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/07/creamy-silky-perfect-angelic-skin.html
  9. Yes, but those were the hideously dark ones. Of COURSE I can't use those.
  10. When did you send them? I haven't received any since we have been conversing in this thread.
  11. Terrific. So between fixing the room light and adjusting the screen, can you now see how those photos you sent me were grossly dark?
  12. @Denisecamp please follow the link ALL the way to the end.
  13. From Bridge there are two ways of opening raw files - Cmd R and Cmd O. Have you tried both ways?
  14. They should be okay. Is there an option for HDMI for the LG as well? Or could you swap them?
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