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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hi @Beachbum, what about the wrap around the baby? Is it to be navy as well?
  2. What about older prints? Do they still match your screen ok?
  3. Oh, hooray! I'd love to see some more photos.
  4. Alas, no, sorry. That's not recoverable.
  5. Almost all the other labs properly comply to the modern 6500K colour standard, as far as I'm aware. Terrific. Even though it seems very unlikely, we can't discount the possibility that the cable is failing, so if you had another HDMI cable around the house that you could try, that would be handy. You mentioned the calibration of the external screen; do you keep your laptop screen calibrated too? What did the lab say about the prints?
  6. While we're waiting (hopefully) for more evidence to present itself, let's talk about the much more important issue. Why are you saving jpegs from raw files?
  7. I don't have any experience with it, sorry.
  8. Yeah, that might be it, but if it was so, I would have thought the purging of the folder cache would have fixed it.
  9. I've merged the two threads, because I can't help thinking they're related.
  10. I just read it, thanks. What kind of cable connects the laptop to the screen?
  11. Just to check - this was a typo, right? You mean "between Photoshop and printed images".
  12. I definitely encourage you to run Glary Utilities. It's very thorough and very reliable. Is it just the laptop screen you're using? Or do you have a desktop screen plugged into it?
  13. For a change to stick, two things must happen: You must have only ONE file open at the time of the change; You must open the raw file into Photoshop afterwards. I'd say you didn't fulfill one or both of those.
  14. Your ACR settings are perfect. So are your Photoshop settings. If you edit a photo in ACR then press "Open Image" to take it directly into PS, you definitely shouldn't be getting this message. Can you show me a screenshot of the photo in ACR?
  15. I wonder if this is related, somehow, to the random blurriness of Bridge that you mentioned in the other thread? It all seems like screen weirdness, you know? So, can you tell me the details of your screen?
  16. I have heard of this, but I haven't heard of it being random. To start, can you do this for me? https://www.damiensymonds.net/thread1.html
  17. I would like to echo this. Speaking as somebody who DID get locked into a system a few years ago, then left high and dry when the software upgrades dried up.
  18. You only ever need one monitor for editing. The second monitor can be a pile of crap, it's only for emails and stuff. The Dell Ultrasharps have a great reputation. What makes you concerned about their uniformity?
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