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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Yes. https://photographyconcentrate.com/lightroom-tip-turn-automatically-write-changes-xmp/
  2. The same raw processing workflow, yes, but generally you'd allow some more black clipping than usual.
  3. Maybe this? https://max.mailbigfile.com/fbdffc2744dd4351b8d0294df4156c20/listFiles.php
  4. Once you've finished the L&M Class, dive into Levels.
  5. No How are you saving it? With "Save As" or "Save for web" or "Export" ... ?
  6. Oh, don't worry, the focus is fine. I'm just trying to figure out why there's so much jpeg damage.
  7. Are you SURE? It's still really degraded.
  8. What quality level did you choose that time?
  9. Your 100% crop seems really compressed. Could you post it again, saved at a higher quality?
  10. The same as I gave you before, but with the Hue slider on the Master channel further to the right?
  11. Okay, go ahead and contact Adobe for help about this.
  12. Then you should be fine to get rid of those folders. But follow the usual prudent procedure. Don't delete them straight away. First, rename them (eg put "OLD_" in front of each folder name) then give it a couple of days of usual editing to make sure nothing has been screwed up. If everything is working fine after a couple of days, THEN you can delete them.
  13. @Roxy Clark are those versions still showing as installed in your Creative Cloud app?
  14. https://max.mailbigfile.com/f567c691df04458cb91b3fb2c824467d/listFiles.php
  15. Are you asking how to turn the yellow/white lights into blue/white?
  16. Bummer. You had no trouble creating an Adobe account, though? Can you still log in to Adobe's website okay?
  17. Wow, that's fantastic! Any improvement on the CC thing?
  18. I don't know either. I literally don't know why you think the two photos look different.
  19. Oh? What's different about the light? It looks the same to me?
  20. @KylaR remember you must always have your files in at least two places at once. It's not enough to have files on an external drive. They need to be on two externals, or one external and a cloud service, or one external and DVDs.
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