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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. A lot more than that. To match the links you provided, I mean.
  2. Before attempting any colour work, it goes without saying that you need to do the blur. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/06/blurring-background-false-dof.html
  3. Yay! PLEASE don't wait any longer to step up to the Raw and Levels Classes. They'll rock your world.
  4. If it's only Bridge, maybe the solution is to turn on the thing about "monitor size previews" in Bridge's preferences.
  5. So with that knowledge, I need you to examine the problem a bit further. In what program/s did the files look blurry to you? Only Bridge?
  6. Dana! Chill, for heaven's sake. This focus is excellent.
  7. Well, the first step is for me to take a look at one of the "blurry" files, and one of the "good" ones. Please send them to me via https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography
  8. Yes there is, but I can't find it, since his website is under maintenance. Brian, you'll have to provide your own beer link
  9. Yes, I agree with your analysis.
  10. Is it doing this with every photo you try? Old and new?
  11. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/09/black-boxes-and-other-weird-behaviour.html
  12. There is no need to EVER have the histogram panel open. Ever.
  13. Great! Then everything sounds exactly right. Just concentrate on freeing up your drive.
  14. Do you have all the files in the same folder? If so, what is the size of the folder on your hard drive?
  15. https://www.damiensymonds.net/what2buy_cal.html
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