Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever crop during editing.
You're doing the right thing by holding down the Alt key, and ignoring clipping in that area.
No, the clipping doesn't matter. But are you sure about cloning? Maybe copying and flipping from the other side might be better.
Yes, it's a calibration issue.
Windows Photo is not a colour-managed program. If it matches your prints, that is nothing more than STAGGERINGLY good luck. And of course it's pointless, because you need the program that you edit your photos in to be the one that matches your prints.
Essentially, it's a laptop. And gosh yes, turn off the ambient light thing. And yes, keep it fairly dark when calibrating. I mean, it doesn't need to be pitch black or anything, just dim.
Remember, you need to make your screen match those pro lab prints as closely as possible. It doesn't matter if you hate the prints, you still have to match them.
Oh, sorry. When you said "almost the same" I thought you meant the screen was almost the same as the prints.
Ok. Does your Spyder4Elite have "SpyderTune" like the Spyder5Elite does?