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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. You've followed Points 1-3 of the posting guidelines just right. Have you explored Point 5? Unfortunately, you're a long way from the mark of Point 4, at least on your first photo. Please revisit. In the second photo, your cloning job is really obvious. You need to revisit that and prevent the repeated patterns. Speaking of cloning, that will be the very first aspect of these edits. Of course, it's better to get the blurry backgrounds in camera, but we can see that even Ms Reeves herself hasn't been able to do that. Ironically, her background blur jobs are bloody awful, because she hasn't followed this method.
  2. 1. This is a common question. It seems to do it persistently for "in-between" screens - the ones that have slightly bigger gamut than normal, but not right up there at the Adobe RGB end of the range. I'm afraid I don't have a better answer than: The proof is in the result. If you try one way, and the print match isn't as good as you'd wish, try the other way. 2. Yes, sounds like you should use RGB LED. Again, though, the answer is: Try both ways if necessary.
  3. Marquee right away. Select the area around the eye, and Ctrl J it to make its own layer.
  4. Well, please let me help you step by step. Pause and show me screenshots as many times as you wish, as you proceed.
  5. I'm so sorry, I promised Meg I wouldn't show people how to do hers any more. But if you can't find anything that inspires you here, find another photographer doing similar work and post for me.
  6. This is quite a large file, which is why I didn't share it before, but I hope, if you can download it, it will help. PSD file
  7. I assume her veil is still a work in progress? The hand will be tricky, because I bet the suit has texture? May I see it close up?
  8. Great! Did that particular photo have any layers in it before you ran the action? Did you run the action on top of all the other layers?
  9. Yes. But PLEASE don't wait any longer to learn how to sharpen properly. https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingsharp.html
  10. Great, so just re-load that one from where it's saved on your hard drive?
  11. So everything else is running ok? It's just when you run an action? Is it all actions, or only some?
  12. Every time you "restart" yourself. That is, every night.
  13. I'm glad, but it doesn't make any sense. It shouldn't be necessary. Yeah, that's bad. Especially since you're working with so many files open.
  14. Also ... 3. How long since you last restarted your computer?
  15. Two questions ... If you Ctrl-click on the thumbnail of the image layer in the Layers Panel, does it bring up marching ants around the (invisible) image as it's supposed to? If you right-click on the hexagon layer and choose "Rasterize layer" does that make any difference?
  16. Ok, may I see a screenshot while it's clipped?
  17. Yes, because it's not positioned over the hexagon, right? Once it's clipped, just use the Move Tool (which you already have selected in your screenshot) to move the photo so the baby appears inside the shape. Are you sure the hexagon layer is on "Normal" blend mode and 100% opacity the way it should be?
  18. And you're saying that when you hit Ctrl Alt G, nothing happens?
  19. May I see a screenshot of your Layers panel?
  20. Hi Roxana, how much will the files be reduced in size for the website?
  21. This one seems akin: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/original-old-hand-coloured-map-world-129602879?src=0Cn2M7SvQa_GIMmH1WY_yA-1-27
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