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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Bummer. Ok, so much for the workaround. Let's go back to the original problem. Have you tried (for testing purposes) using the "PDF Presentation" function with any completely different files?
  2. Oh! Right, I understand now. I wasn't even looking for that. Is it doing it with ALL photos? Even old sets?
  3. Yes ... and you have a Dell screen. I'm with you so far. I want to know if they have calibrated accurately.
  4. Oh, don't worry about a website. As long as it's fine in PS, that's the only thing that matters.
  5. That looks right to me? I even downloaded your screenshot, and copied the loupe area and shrunk it down so it fitted on the real eye, and toggled the layer off and on, and it looks identical in brightness.
  6. Are you talking about Full Screen Preview mode (space bar)? And when you single-left-click to zoom in, the brightness changes?
  7. Good work. Have you remembered Dither, and adding the noise layer? It's looking very bandy presently.
  8. Once you've done the raw processing, use a gradient layer to replace the whole background: https://www.damiensymonds.net/preventing-banding-in-backdrops/
  9. Please, @Cleyvosier? I'm trying to figure out why you're considering buying another (used) screen. Is it because you can't get either of your current screens to calibrate accurately?
  10. Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot. For that bit, leave your brush at 100% opacity, and actually change the colour you're painting with (by clicking on the foreground swatch in the toolbar) to 50% grey (128/128/128).
  11. No, it's a pressure sensitivity setting. See the little icons to the left and right of the "Flow" setting in the options bar? One of them controls it, I can't remember which.
  12. https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingraw-signup.html https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/photos/a.183682458346830.39021.183680248347051/1313016648746733/?type=3
  13. Interesting. Does it do the same with a mouse?
  14. Hmmm ... everything looks ok there. Do you use a mouse or tablet?
  15. Gosh, it shouldn't do that. May I have a screenshot of your whole screen, so I can see your brush settings? Very low. 10% at the most.
  16. I'm so sorry, I don't understand. Can you explain a bit further for me?
  17. Well, no, I'm pretty sure the boys' shirts are supposed to be white.
  18. I would try a Hue/Saturation layer for the water. Check the "Colorize" box, and try these values: Hue +185 Saturation +35 Lightness +15 Then fiddle to your personal taste.
  19. Of course, a jpeg is all you should EVER post on a website.
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