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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Can you steer them towards canvas? It's a bit more forgiving. I think you could get away with it, as long as you make it very clear to your client that their image isn't very good, and they have to be content to live with it. Make this communication very clear with them. Do not print it until you've taken the Sharpening Class.
  2. I've moved this into the correct section.
  3. The floor is the problem, yes? It has reflections of wall corners which no longer exist.
  4. These two are excellent, well done.
  5. So far so good, but didn't you want to chop off some of the flyaways? Do that with the mask of the top Color Fill layer. Also, take a closer look at the mask of the bottom Color Fill layer on my edit. You'll see I've gently allowed it to come into your hair more, giving a smoother blend. Your edge is too abrupt.
  6. Hi Jackie, I've moved this into Brian's section, he'll set you right.
  7. Click on the "askquestions" logo at the top of the page. Then scroll down. Just before the "Ask Brian" section, you should see the "Angel Babies" section.
  8. Have you noticed any change in any other programs?
  9. Ok, I'm going to move this into Brian's section. He knows much more about ... pretty much everything ... than me.
  10. Eww! No! http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/07/raw-noise-removal.html http://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/10/noise-reduction-and-sharpening-leap-of.html
  11. Hell no. Post in the Raw Class please.
  12. PLEASE don't wait too long to take my Raw Class, I beg you.
  13. Great. The focus is fine, but this troubles me, big time: Can you figure out where (in your workflow) this happened?
  14. Hmmm ... did you shoot raw?
  15. It won't be easy, I expect. White to black is the longest trip on the editing map, after all. But we'll see what we can do. Go ahead and do your raw processing, then post the photo again and we'll discuss the numbers.
  16. I think you need to try being a bit more clever, and borrowing pieces (or wholes) of other people's shoes.
  17. Hmmm ... can you save these files?
  18. Can you show me a screenshot? Make sure the entire screen is in the screenshot, and make sure you have the lasso tool selected.
  19. I don't know what to tell you, exactly. This is one of those situations where, if people don't notice the edited area, they'll go through their entire lives thinking it's a lovely photo; but if they do notice the area, they'll go through their lives never being able to look at any other part of the photo.
  20. Yes, the D&B requires a heck of a lot of patience.
  21. Isn't blue the colour of the lace? I know you said it was going to be black-and-white, and in that case you wouldn't need the colour layer, of course, but I wanted to show you how to handle it if you wanted to keep it in colour, just in case.
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