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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Gosh, how big is the jpeg you're trying to upload??
  2. It's irrelevant, because I was working on a small web sized file. You'll need to experiment on your own and find out what looks best on the full file.
  3. Yep, just add a dark grey "Solid Color" layer set to Multiply blend mode, and mask it on very carefully.
  4. No, sorry, it can't be done. Even if you change the yellow to blue, it will just look like blue muddy water, and that makes it look like some kind of weird radioactive waste pool. We've had this discussion many times over the years. Sorry.
  5. Hi Ashley, could you link me to some similar photos that you admire?
  6. What, are you nuts???? It must be your normal pro printer. A HN print would tell us nothing.
  7. Oh gosh. Yeah, something needs to be done, doesn't it? Blending won't work, though. It will need to be a hard straight edge. Blending gradually wouldn't be plausible.
  8. Oh boy, I fear it might not be possible. To do well, I mean. May I see a 100% crop of the troublesome hair/feathers area? The arms and legs are no problem at all.
  9. Then we'll really know, and one way or another, we can discuss strategies.
  10. Absolutely. You need to get two test prints (not too small, either) - one of an SOOR, and one of a complete edit.
  11. Surely you can see how the building is reflected in the side of the car in Lawson's photo? That's not made up, the building really is there. Your photo hasn't got anything reflecting in it.
  12. Right. Then tweaking it until it matches the existing background as closely as possible.
  13. Hi Renee, what makes you think it's an editing thing? Have you seen some of Lawson's "befores"? I mean, what makes you think it's not simply a very polished car? Are you aiming for yours in black-and-white too?
  14. Have you printed any photos with this new backdrop yet?
  15. Embrace the basket for what it is. Just fix the background.
  16. Oh gosh. The Dust & Scratches filter will get rid of the worst of the speckling, but that's as much as I can offer, I'm afraid.
  17. It's obvious to us because we're staring at it. But I think it would be absolutely fine.
  18. Gee ... I wonder if you really should flip the new belly button upside down? Would anyone notice? Because in the main photo the shadow is below the button, but in the donor photo it's above it?
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