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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. I can't speak for Brian, but I've switched to FreeFileSync, and been very happy so far.
  2. Oh, I'm so sorry, I meant a screenshot showing your whole screen. So I can see your toolbar and your layers panel and everything.
  3. Hi @bmarthab, could you show me a screenshot of how it looks so far?
  4. Blimey. Try editing a set at 60, and get some more prints and see how they look.
  5. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/07/raw-noise-removal.html https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/10/noise-reduction-and-sharpening-leap-of.html
  6. Thanks, I've just emailed you regarding the Raw Class.
  7. Yes, I think so too. I don't understand the question, sorry.
  8. Ok, so if you cropped a landscape to portrait, you should still be safe? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/03/how-aggressively-can-i-crop.html
  9. Remind me how many megapixels your camera shoots?
  10. It sounds like you're using the keyboard buttons to adjust brightness? DO NOT do that. Use the slider.
  11. Darn. Ok, then you'd better calibrate with a slightly lower brightness
  12. @Michelle Lynn Photos have you ordered those prints yet?
  13. It's a PSD file. It opens in Photoshop. Which version of Photoshop do you have?
  14. Here's the PSD file so you can see how it's done: https://max.mailbigfile.com/9ea53b984f07cbd8f271a5edff79935f/listFiles.php
  15. Liquify is really easy, I promise. I encourage you to do this: https://www.damiensymonds.net/liquify-video/ In this particular case, some masking will be required afterwards. Do you know how to do layer masking?
  16. Yeah, this is a very simple matter of liquify. Have you used it before?
  17. That's what I think too. So may I see a crop of the photo showing her whole torso? I need to see if it's possible to liquify her shirt a bit.
  18. Hi @Alley, there would be two different approaches, I think. Leave the shirt exactly where it is, and just remove the visible part of the nipple and pretend that her nipple is in a different position on her breast. Leave the nipple where it is but move the shirt over to cover it. Which one would you prefer?
  19. A little underexposed, yes. Absolutely. Your screen is too bright, which is making your brain think it's ok to leave your photos too dark.
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