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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Please come back to class, @rswannabe!
  2. Real life colour is irrelevant. Your screen has to match the prints, that is all.
  3. No no no no no no. Your prints are fine. Calibrate again so that your screen matches them. This ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT MATTER.
  4. No, gosh no, 12 is way too high. 7 is plenty. Even 5 would be ok.
  5. Ok, try TIFF, and when you get to the next screen "TIFF Options", choose to use jpeg compression and try Quality 7. See what size file you get.
  6. Oh gee. No, you must save as a jpeg. Can you show me a screenshot?
  7. Then you need to recalibrate with lower brightness. Follow the troubleshooting steps of my instructions.
  8. Oh gee Your friend really let you down. This is not a good screen for editing. Anyway, it should be "Standard LED".
  9. Usually there's a label on the back, with a model number or whatever?
  10. It's not enough info, sorry. I need specifics.
  11. Hi @MelMel, what's your make and model of screen?
  12. I don't know if you can, sorry. My version (CS5) has it, but the newer versions don't.
  13. Thank you. Once you've re-read the whole class, post these two photos in a new thread in the class, so we can discuss our approach.
  14. https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/19136-channel-mixer-class-renewal/
  15. Should be a fairly standard Channel Mixer adjustment. Go ahead and post in the Channel Mixer class and we'll discuss there.
  16. Are you referring to the purple background?
  17. Well, go ahead and do the raw processing (I assume the sky should be white?), then crop and correct the perspective if needed, then show me.
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