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Everything posted by Brian

  1. It's not bad. I would change a few things: You want Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. Unless you have a OEM Copy (Key) handy, you are going to want an Operating System. I like Windows 10 Pro. You want at least 32GB of RAM. 16GB is the absolute bare-minimum these days. I realize costs are an issue, but welcome to 2022 pricing. It sucks. Period. I'm not a fan of the Kingston m.2 drive. It's "fine," but it seems you don't have a chance to pick something else, like a Samsung m.2 drive. I know this sounds silly, but I'd also spring for the extra $35 and get the higher-grade thermal paste. It's a laptop and something like this you want to be a once-and-done thing. Heat is the enemy with laptops. The 3 year warranty seems to be on sale, and it worth getting. Why? Because I have a feeling this laptop you will get 3-4 years out of. Hopefully it lasts longer though.
  2. OK, it seems you have a DisplayPort Version 1.4 and a HDMI Port Version 2.0. Between the two, I'd use DisplayPort with a 4K screen. Here's the reason that I don't "Like" 4K...it's because you cram 3840px x 2160px in the same physical area as a 27" display with a 2560px x 1440px. So what happens? Everything is much smaller. Umm...yeah. So what happens? It's too small to see menus and text and such, so what do you do? You tell windows to display things at 125% or 150% just to make it easier to see things. So why not just buy a 27" display that has 2560px x 1440px? Because that in a sense is what you are doing. Of course, Apple out of all the manufactures has really perfected 5K and up-scaling and you don't have this "things looking too small issue." The Windows work-around with making everything 125% bigger isn't bad, but Apple just does it better. My opinion? I'd buy that Dell UltraSharp 27 Monitor - U2722D and be happy.
  3. Try deleting the folders in the Finder, not in Bridge and let's see what happens. If it still won't delete, chances are you have a permissions issue and it might be better (and faster) to copy the contents off of the original drive that you are having problems with, and re-format the drive. Of course, before you do something like that, make sure all the files transferred over correctly.
  4. I like this one better: https://deals.dell.com/en-us/productdetail/ds2n The reason is the Anti-Glare Hard Coating. Now, before you go out buying a new monitor, do you have a DisplayPort (Video Port) or at least a HDMI Port on your computer? How much dedicated video memory do you have? 4000K isn't all that it's cracked up to be, especially when editing photos.
  5. You are going to have to get a driver from Dell or just deal with it. Try support.dell.com and have it do a scan and see if there are any driver updates.
  6. First off, let’s verify your new EHD is MacOS Extended (Journaled) and not the stupid exFAT for the partition type? An you verify this in Disk Utilities and post a screen shot here?
  7. I have 64GB with my 2017 iMac and have no issues editing large Raw files taken with my D850. 64-72GB is really nice to have for editing photos with today’s modern Photoshop. Just think, Apple would have charged you $1000 to only upgrade the RAM to 64GB!
  8. You are in a very good position to add RAM. What I would do is PURCHASE THIS 64GB KIT, and install them into the slots that the existing RAM are occupying. Then install the existing RAM into the slots are currently empty. When it’s all said-and-done, your will have 72GB of RAM. Plenty of YouTube videos demonstrating the process of removing/adding RAM into a 27” iMac.
  9. Pay attention to the details with the used Mac Store Do NOT buy one with a “Fusion Drive.” 1TB SSD or bust! As mentioned above, at least a 1TB main drive. A video card that has at least 8GB of dedicated Video Memory. Cards that are 8GB are usually the “better ones” that play nicely with Photoshop Intel i7 or i9 is “fine.” Honestly, the video card choice is more important than the CPU. Well, stay away from the Intel i5. Too slow, you want an i7 or i9. AVOID THE 21.5” Macs!! 8GB of RAM is fine, with the 27”, we can upgrade things for A LOT less money than what Apple charges and you will get more in the end as well. Look for a 2020 27” iMac, maybe even a late 2017. AppleCare is a requirement. Not only do you get a Warranty, but AppleCare is worth having since Apple is the only ones that fix their hardware. What you see in the used Mac Store is what they have. They don’t have multiples of the same computer. Think of it as a Yard Sale. If you see one you like, can afford it, BUY IT because it may not be there in an hour.
  10. According to Apple, you can go to a maximum of 32GB with your Mac. So you would removed the two 4GB sticks and install two 8GB sticks. So 8GB would be in each slot for a total of 32GB. Now, while 32GB is definitely worth it, you need to have realistic expectations. Going from 24GB to 32GB is not as dramatic as going from 8GB to 24GB, but I'd still do it. If you are trying to get more "Performance" out of your iMac...I'd start saving lots and lots of money for a new one. Here is the RAM Kit you need. B&H Ships to OZ. Normally you see me recommending Crucial's stuff a lot, but OWC is also a good brand. Two sticks for less than $80 is way cheaper than spending over $5200 on a new Mac Studio. Oh, if you don't want to pay International Shipping, just take a screen-shot of the specs and find the exact same RAM locally.
  11. Yes. MacOS Extended (Journaled) is perfect for use on your Mac. The downside is, Windows will absolutely not read it and will want to format it if you plug it in. I guess the first part is for you to get the computer of your choosing and we will go from there.
  12. This is why your Mac is slow. I'm sorry, no way around it, you need a new computer. You can't upgrade the RAM any higher AND the Graphics Card is just below the bare minimum requirements for the current versions of Photoshop. Even for a version like PS CC 2019...you are really pushing things. Why a 27" model over a 21.5"? Because Apple purposely crippled the performance of the 21.5" iMacs. Apple has been a company that wants you to "Go Big or Go Home." You get slower Motherboards, less choices of upgrades, under-powered video cards, slower CPU Chips, slower hard drive performance, etc. etc. with buying a 21.5" iMac. Basically, think of the 21.5" iMac to be like a 4 cyl Hatchback that a Freshman in College would buy, complete with Rust. While it will get you from point A to B, don't expect to do anything that requires more "Umph." The 21.5" iMacs are meant for General Computing. While you can get away with things like Photo Editing in the short term, over the long term Photoshop requires more and more resources from your computer. Plus it's from 2013...that's almost 9 Years for a computer and that's a really good run. When I configure my computers, I have a 7-8 Year time-frame in mind, and you are right around that period where you need to buy a new computer; I'm sorry, there is no upgrading yourself out of this situation. Now for the new Macs. Ugh. You should have replaced this computer in 2019 because now...a new Mac is REALLY EXPENSIVE!! Like $5200 expensive. I know the 24" looks tempting, but guess what? The current calibration devices on the Market are not compatible with the 24" screen. We had a member just buy one, use a brand-new SpyderX and couldn't get her screen to look good. So she contacted their Tech Support and they wrote back saying their device is not compatible. I'd like to recommend a 24" Mac with a few upgrades, but I just can not at this point with the Calibration thing hanging around. As of right now, if you buy a 24" iMac, it's like you are buying a 21.5" under-powered iMac all over again. To make matters worse, Apple has refreshed all of their computers and you now have to purchase ALL of the over-priced upgrades at the time of purchase. Meaning you are stuck with what you buy. Want more RAM in 3 years? Too-Bad-So-Sad...you are buying a new computer. Need more HD space? Either buy a large Thunderbolt 3 External or buy a new computer. Here is an Article that I wrote on this very subject, give it a read. Spoiler Alert: It is a really sucky time to be in the Market for a new Mac. Oh, if you are thinking about ditching you Mac for a Windows computer...I've got news for you, you are spending around $3000 for a computer that is "Good for Photo Editing." Gone are the days of a computer that's $999.99 that will get the job done. Not in 2022 and certainly not for several years. Since the proverbial "Cat" is out of the bag and people are accepting / paying these higher prices, then it's a safe bet to say that the manufactures will keep charging this much because they are getting away with it.
  13. A few things that come to mind: 1. Only 16GB of RAM. In 2022, you really want 32GB or more if possible. 2. Files and folders on your Mac Desktop. The more crap you have on your Desktop, the slower the damn thing runs. 3. It does not matter, internal or external, the MacOS treats all HDs the same. So while you may have 700GB free on your internal drive, the EHD that’s 95% full is bogging your Mac down. You never want to go more than 75%-80% full on any Mac HD, internal or external. There are other things, like purchasing a clean up program that I use call CleanMyMac X but more on that later. What year/model/size is your Mac? Hopefully it’s a 27” because if it’s a 21.5”, you are kinda screwed and looking at a new computer. Also, what video card and more importantly video memory is installed? If you never chose a better video card at the time of purchase, you are definitely screwed because today’s modern Photoshop utilizes the GPU and dedicated Video Memory for a performance boost. So if you don’t have a beefy video card, Photoshop will be a bit sluggish. So before I condemn your computer, I need more info.
  14. Adding RAM to a 27” is EASY. Lots of YouTube videos demonstrating the process. Get the Mac first, then we will talk about RAM. You can create a new thread OR check out the ones I’ve already answered in here.
  15. It’s best to purchase a new external for the Windows Computer. The files on various EHDs that were formatted for use on your Mac and Apple purposely make it difficult to go back and forth. This way you can keep the original files intact and if something were to go wrong you can attempt things again. You will also need to purchase special software to act as a “Translator.” Before we get to that, what partition type are your current externals? Hook your drives up and use the Disk Utilities. Are they Journales+, exFAT? Post a screenshot here in this thread.
  16. There is no such thing as "Time Machine" with a Windows Computer. Welcome to Windows!! Now for the Million Dollar Question: "Are you going to be going back-and-forth between the Mac World and a Windows World?" Because this will be VERY COMPLICATED. Apple wants you to be 100% committed to a Macintosh Computer. Pick a format. Mac OR Windows. No going back-and-forth.
  17. Do not buy a Mac with a STUPID FUSION DRIVE!!! Avoid those like the Plague. A Fusion drive is a traditional spinning HD with a small, usually 32GB SSD Drive. Performance SUCKS with those drives. This is what you are looking for: 27" iMac - 5K Retina Screen 1TB SSD Main HD 8GB RAM (or 16 if it comes with it) A Video Card that has at least 8GB Video Memory You can always upgrade the RAM yourself at a later date for A LOT less money than what Apple would charge you. Seriously. A 32GB Configuration is around $1000. You can purchase a Crucial RAM kit for around $350 or so and end up with more RAM in the end, like 72GB. Yep, you read that correctly...more RAM for LESS money. So in your comment, the first Mac out of the two you listed would be the one to get. That said, keep this in mind: When dealing with the Refurbished Mac Store, what you see on their page is what they have in stock AT THAT MOMENT. So if you see something you like, can afford it, BUY IT!! Because it could be gone in as little as a few minutes or not be there tomorrow.
  18. I was just thinking about this. The honest answer is, "...I don't know." I also don't have $5200 laying around for me to buy one and check. If the Mac Studio Display uses the same technology as the 24" iMac, then everyone is in the same boat and will be buying a new calibration tool in the very near future. If we have to wait, then I can add the 24" iMac on my recommended configurations and we will just have to wait for the calibration devices to catch up. I'm not understanding your question. Switching back to a Windows Computer?
  19. Well, here is the 2nd Version of this Article. I'm sure over time it will be modified and the Date / Time of that I created this Article is March 24, 2022 @ 22:03. Prices and links are subject to change, so please do your due diligence before clicking "Add to Cart." Hopefully we will have another "Advanced" computer besides the Mac Studio...a true 27" iMac Replacement. But I wouldn't hold your breath. Apple is going in a new direction. Have a question or concern? Please post a new question in one of the Main Hardware Forums in "Ask Brian." Buy Brian a Beer!!
  20. The current Mac Laptops are also M1 CPU-based, meaning you have to purchase all of the over-priced upgrades at the time of purchase, just like the Desktop Models. Here is what I would configure for a Mac Laptop that is "Good for Photo Editing." Head to Apple's Website and select the MacBook Pro section. As always, start with the most expensive option, usually the column on the right. For Photo-editing purposes, select the 16-Inch Version. Upgrade the RAM to 64GB Leave the storage at 1TB Everything else, leave at the defaults. Remember, you are rewarded for choosing the most expensive model. If we went with a lower-priced option, we would be upgrading other things. In the end, you would only save around $100 or so; which at this price-point is not worth it. Buy it Right - Buy it Once! It should look like this: The cost should be $3899. Click Add to bag. Purchase AppleCare for $399. Yes, you want AppleCare. Apple is the only one who fixes Apple's products. Authorized Apple Service Centers are very rare in 2022. You want a flat rate of 3 Years of Coverage. The cost before Tax should be $4298.00. Shipping is usually free. $4300 for a Mac Laptop that is "Good for Photo Editing." Sheesh. Of course, you could save a little money and go with the standard 32GB option, that's your choice. But remember, there is no upgrading after the fact. If you have a high MP camera (45MP or more) you are really going to want 64GB. In 2022 I'd say 32GB is the Minimum that you would want for today's software. Besides, at the current price point for this laptop, spending a few hundred more isn't THAT big of a deal. It's only money, right?
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