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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Not quite perfect, but definitely good enough.
  2. Ok ... that should be useful. How do your prints compare by their light during the day?
  3. Well, let's not beat around the bush. You were pretty stupid to create this file at 2x3 inches. You're damn lucky.
  4. Of course not! Calm down. Just crop it to 8x10 in the usual way (DON'T flatten first!!!!) then sharpen per the sharpening class instructions for storyboards.
  5. No no, not at all. Your file, as long as you've done everything properly, is infinitely resizable. By "properly" I mean all the shapes are vectors (paths), and the images are placed as smart objects. So, back to the question - you must have been looking at greater than 100% view, right? That's why you thought the photos were pixelated?
  6. They shouldn't look pixelated at 100% view. That's an oddly small size. Is this for a place card or something?
  7. And at the left, I think it's supposed to be on "Shape" not "Path".
  8. Do you have the tool set to "Subtract" in the options bar?
  9. And are you SURE your room light is bright enough?
  10. Hi Jenni, sorry about my delayed reply. Have you run Glary yet?
  11. That's a good question. I assume you can clip a Levels layer to the bubbles layer and move the white and middle sliders? Would that help? I also imagine you could clip a Hue/Sat layer above that and increase the Saturation.
  12. Gosh yes, fantastic! But blacken those blacks.
  13. Sorry mate, it doesn't work this way. Provide a link to one photo, and a photo of your own to work on.
  14. Somebody like you, doing this kind of work, should have made a library of bubbles by now. Crank up your bubble machine, or wand, or whatever, set up a black backdrop, and start photographing. Take plenty of photos at different sizes and apertures. When you edit them, make sure the background is nice and black. Then you can simply File>Place them on and change the layer blend mode to Screen.
  15. How are you going to create them? Do you mean photograph some more bubbles?
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