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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. This is almost always a good thing. Screens are always too bright before you calibrate them. The important question is - does your screen match your prints now?
  2. Yes, very annoying. But now that you know about it, you can make sure you convert her files before you start.
  3. Ok. Never mind, the brightness part isn't critical, as long as you have adjusted it beforehand to match your prints. Did you do so?
  4. I'm so sorry. This is done using Channel Mixer, and I see from your profile that you have Photoshop Elements, which doesn't have Channel Mixer. However, there are workarounds possible, in some cases. I'll need to see more links to examples, though. That one is just darker, you know? It could be just as easily achieved with Levels. I wonder if this is the kind of thing you've seen? The first photo is a colour original, the second is a standard black-and-white conversion, the third is a red Channel Mixer conversion: Typically, red channel conversion tends to make blues (like water and sky) really dark.
  5. Yes, I know. You don't need to pay full price to take it again, only the renewal price.
  6. This is the crux of it. This is why you're both doing it right. If your presets don't adjust Exposure and White Balance, then yes, you need to do those things first. But if their presets DO adjust Exposure and White Balance, then it would make no sense for them to do those things first, because the Preset would just override them afterwards. So of course they must apply the presets first, then tweak the Exposure and WB afterwards.
  7. I'm sorry, I can't discuss class matters here. https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingialm-signup.html
  8. At first glance, the two photos you've chosen do look like good donors for each other. The trouble is, you can't swap then enlarge - the swapped bit gets blurry. So you can swap from the first to second photo, but not from second to first. The only way you could swap from 2nd to 1st is if you were prepared to add fake background blur to the whole photo afterwards, to disguise the issue, you know?
  9. Ok, great. I'm sorry to say you might need to completely uninstall then reinstall the Spyder software, then run the calibration as if you're doing it for the first time. Spyders can be a bit temperamental like this.
  10. Did you have a good screen-to-print match after calibration in January?
  11. If you mean Photoshop edits, I discussed it a bit here: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/07/photoshops-arrange-functions.html
  12. Hi Kate, Find an example and post this question in the "How to ..." section. Make sure you read the posting guidelines of that section before starting your thread. All of my classes are for 12 months at a time. So it expires one year from when you signed up. I'll send you a reminder email at the 11-month mark. More than a couple!!! That's the whole point of Deluxe membership. I would hope that you'd post dozens, even hundreds, of photos for me. Apply for your upgrade here. Please read the class again. This is all covered. Please read BOTH classes again. It's very clear. I'm so sorry, this is beyond my experience.
  13. Of course the focus isn't perfect. But you did remarkably well to get the focus as good as this, given that he was coming towards you. I think this will be ok to use. It should sharpen up sufficiently. Do NOT print it until you've taken the Sharpening Class. https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/photos/a.183682458346830.39021.183680248347051/1725233547525039/?type=3&theater
  14. I've moved this post into the "Focus checks" section. Please read the posting guidelines then furnish me with the crop and info I need.
  15. I'm so sorry, I don't know. My vague googling is suggesting resetting Bridge's preferences, so maybe try that.
  16. That drop-down is not new. It's just moved, that's all. My advice remains the same: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/02/camera-calibration-tab-in-acr.html
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