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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/posts/1611507792230949
  2. None of the linked ones are brighter than that And I doubt it's possible to find brighter ones
  3. Did you follow my instructions here? I have a bit about "monthly recalibration" right at the very bottom.
  4. No, not exactly. You wouldn't make a copy of the file to edit. You'd simply make sure you had the jpeg file (that you sent to the lab) safely stored in a folder somewhere. Then you can start editing your raw file again as you always would. You definitely wouldn't have two copies of the raw file, nor of your PSD. Right.
  5. I think you said you have a Spyder5Pro, is that right?
  6. Did you ever find a link to the exact bulbs you already have in the room? I'd be very interested to see that.
  7. Well, personally I guess I've always thought of "moody" as "dark and undersaturated". This is the former, but certainly not the latter. But hey, I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  8. Those two links are very different, and neither are entirely suitable for your photo, but I had a play with the first one, what do you think?
  9. It's actually very difficult to have a room that's too bright. But if you're concerned ... I dunno, maybe go for 80s? But don't risk being still too dim.
  10. K is the temperature. The colour of the lights. They should all be the same.
  11. @Alessia? Are you still there? Have you fixed your colour space problem?
  12. This is a biggish file (sorry) but well worth a look: Download PSD
  13. By the way, if you'd like to smooth the bumpiness of the blanket in this photo, I urge you to try my cellulite action.
  14. The baby is off-centre. Yet another reason not to make an action. You wouldn't use a uniform blur around an off-centre baby.
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