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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Well, you'll have to sacrifice all those flyaways.
  2. No, it can't be done, sorry. It will always look cut out. In black-and-white maybe you could get away with it, by making the hair look very ("artistically") dark.
  3. Um ... do you think ... maybe ... this is one of those rare threads that might be better with ... I dunno ... A PHOTO??????????????????
  4. I love CC, but to start paying money every month for software you already own??? That's insanity. Now, start a new post in "Help with editing" so we can talk about your seamless problem. The answer is NOT an action.
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't do it!!!!! Fantastic! This is excellent news. Today is the first day of your post-action life. Take control of your editing. https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/photos/a.183682458346830.39021.183680248347051/1316630498385348/?type=3
  6. So the crop tool is working, but no other tools? You can't use the Lasso Tool, or anything like that?
  7. Edit>Convert to profile Make sure the "Flatten" checkbox is not checked.
  8. Terrific, that's great news. So, when you hit Cmd N to create a new document, you should see an "Advanced" section at the bottom of that window? When you expand that section, you should see where you can choose the colour space. In my version, it looks like this:
  9. There are a few aspects to this. First, can you go to Color Settings (in the Photoshop menu, I think) and make sure they're on "North America General Purpose 2" the way they should be? They must not be on "Custom" or any other setting. Correct. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/02/resizing-photos-in-templates-ps-pse.html
  10. Yes, it's what I'm after, and it's really really really really really REALLY bad. The template MUST be sRGB, like the images. The text files don't matter quite so much, but technically they should be sRGB as well. That's great. No problems there. Yes, it sure will.
  11. Well, it indicates that your light isn't perfect, but in the grand scheme of things, it's nowhere near the worst problem to have, is it? I'd be happy that you have a print match.
  12. Well, the colour of the gradient in that area has to be as close as possible to the colour of the existing background. Any variation will, as you say, make the blend very difficult.
  13. Ok. I agree with Datacolor, it must be a graphics card problem. But not the lookup tables thing, that wouldn't make sense. There's just something about your graphics card that's overriding the profile.
  14. Ok, so you can't use the Dell after all? Is that why you're thinking of buying another screen?
  15. No, we're still talking about two different things. I know about the mode, I need to know the space. The profile. https://www.damiensymonds.net/tut_mini.html Well, what are the pixel dimensions of the images? Your template is the correct size, but that's not the part I'm worried about. By using the Image Size feature, in the Image menu. Terrific. Please, I beg you, do not go ahead with this until you know how to sharpen properly. This will change your life: https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingsharp.html And now is the time to jump on board: https://www.facebook.com/damien.photoshop/photos/a.183682458346830.39021.183680248347051/1313016648746733/?type=3
  16. Hi rose-anne, All images are RGB. Which flavour of RGB do you mean? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/11/colour-modes-vs-colour-spaces.html No, there is no benefit to doing so. It would only chew up your time. Cropping should not be necessary. You would simply resize. No, I can't think of any reason why it would make any difference. Your description all sounds right to me. I'm curious what you meant, though, by "combining two images". Do you mean a photo, plus the text? Will these prints be for commercial sale? Are you printing them on your own printer, or through a lab?
  17. I always consider PDFs really awful for this. They always end up MUCH bigger (in file size) that you anticipate or want, and that makes them unwieldy to email. Worse, you can't control the zoom level that they open at on your client's screen, so the images NEVER look their best - they're usually blown up beyond 100% and therefore look blurry. Much better, in my opinion, to create a private web page, then provide them with a link to it.
  18. Bummer. Ok, so much for the workaround. Let's go back to the original problem. Have you tried (for testing purposes) using the "PDF Presentation" function with any completely different files?
  19. Oh! Right, I understand now. I wasn't even looking for that. Is it doing it with ALL photos? Even old sets?
  20. Yes ... and you have a Dell screen. I'm with you so far. I want to know if they have calibrated accurately.
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