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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. If it doesn't work, maybe something like this?
  2. Have you tried frequency separation yet? It might be good for this.
  3. No, they literally do mean RGB. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/11/colour-modes-vs-colour-spaces.html Stick to sRGB.
  4. It's dark, but all the detail is visible, just. If you can see visible detail on your screen, but not your print, then it's a printing problem.
  5. I don't know anything about Nations, but I do know you must never use Bay. https://www.facebook.com/groups/askdamien/posts/4143619009031601/
  6. What about if you go to Bridge and go to Preferences, and look at the File Type Associations section? Can you force it to use the older PS?
  7. Just make sure you have the desired version of Photoshop open BEFORE you open ACR.
  8. Nah, the focus looks fine to me.
  9. Wow, that first one is really good considering the backlit conditions.
  10. If reshoot is an option, you should definitely do it.
  11. Definitely steer away from full spreads, yes. Do you know what went wrong? Why there's no focus on any of these?
  12. Can you steer them towards canvas? It's a bit more forgiving.
  13. Yeah, you'll get away with them, just.
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