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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Look, this is very bad. Do you have another screen in the house you could try instead?
  2. Holy moley!!! Your screen's WARMEST setting is 7837??????
  3. Well, let me ask you a different question. When you took readings of all your screen's presets, which one was the warmest; and did you then use that one?
  4. Ok, so what temperature did you achieve in your last calibration?
  5. These look fine. Not too warm at all. Just to check, you're following my instructions here? https://www.damiensymonds.net/calibration-instructions/
  6. No, sorry, I literally meant can you upload a couple of the print files that you sent to the lab.
  7. FHD on a 32" will give an uncommonly large pixel pitch for this modern day. What is the pixel pitch of the screen you currently work on? https://www.damiensymonds.net/measure-the-resolution-of-your-screen/
  8. No, Queensberry is fine to use, you just have to ignore their stupid Adobe RGB suggestion. Are you REALLY sure your room light isn't too yellow?
  9. I've re-made every.single.page. It's taken ages, but I'm so happy I've done it. But there are some folders on the server - eg damiensymonds.net/actions or whatever - that can stay exactly as they are. I certainly don't want to nuke the WHOLE server. I just want to remove wordpress, then start uploading my files to replace the site.
  10. Hey Brian, I have my new website all coded and ready to upload. I'm ready to purge stupid Wordpress from my life. I wrote to DreamHost to ask their advice about removing it. This is what they said: Just checking to see if you have any wisdom to add to this.
  11. No, I mean, apply it once, but stronger. As strong as you need.
  12. Gosh no, don't do that! Only ever apply it once.
  13. Come on, it needs to be a LOT more blurred than this, if you want it to match the one you linked above.
  14. But yes, of course also try to choose photos that you can actually hang and enjoy in your house.
  15. Advice about prints here: https://www.damiensymonds.net/cal_starthere.html
  16. You don't have any? Hanging on your wall?
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