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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. They should come from a printer that's a step above a supermarket kiosk, if you know what I mean. Do you have a camera store near you? They'll probably do printing. https://www.damiensymonds.net/cal_starthere.html
  2. Hi @poorejj, I completely agree, it often is very difficult to find out the exact technology in our screens. Even though you're not into photography, you do still need some prints in order to calibrate. Do you have some?
  3. I have an Asus TUF laptop, and its screen is really really good. <-- my two cents
  4. I think I just figured out what you're doing wrong. You're following the wrong instructions. You should be following these.
  5. I think it's mainly characterised by the nice dark (but gentle) vignette. And the very aggressive skin smoothing of course.
  6. I don't know, I'm so sorry. I can't understand why this would have happened.
  7. Yes, because the TOGGLE one has a (*) beside it, don't you see?
  8. That's ok, download the "TOGGLE.icc" profile that I provided in that article.
  9. Can you install the little app that I mentioned in this article? https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_vista.html
  10. The first step is to compare your screen to your previous prints. If your screen still matches them ok, then you know that this was just a dodgy batch.
  11. Hi @CM21, while we're waiting for Brian, do you mind giving him this basic info?
  12. Which looks a bit dark? The screen, or the prints?
  13. Please come back to class, @rswannabe!
  14. Real life colour is irrelevant. Your screen has to match the prints, that is all.
  15. No no no no no no. Your prints are fine. Calibrate again so that your screen matches them. This ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT MATTER.
  16. No, gosh no, 12 is way too high. 7 is plenty. Even 5 would be ok.
  17. Ok, try TIFF, and when you get to the next screen "TIFF Options", choose to use jpeg compression and try Quality 7. See what size file you get.
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