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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hi Josie, I've moved this post into Ask Damien since it's not a class question per se. I hope you might be able to get away with Liquify to stretch those corners out, so you can avoid "mindless cloning". And for the divot, definitely Liquify, then some dodge-and-burn to balance the light and shadow a bit.
  2. Ok. PLEASE start posting photos in class again.
  3. Did you get a resolution on this, @Tarria?
  4. Sorry, we've badly crossed a line now. I can't discuss raw class stuff outside of class. https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingraw-signup.html
  5. I believe you have to rebuild cache after you turn it on. Have you done so?
  6. There's more to clean processing than just raw processing; and there's more to raw processing than just white balance.
  7. Have you got "Generate Monitor Size Previews" turned on? https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/16958-br2-16/
  8. There is a LOT more to clean processing than white balance. And a lot more to it than just raw processing (although that would be a good start). Do you still have your notes from the class?
  9. Yep, this image might work. Go ahead and do your clean processing on it then post it for me.
  10. I see no reason why a blue-ish* Solid Color layer on Soft Light blend mode wouldn't work. *You'd need to fiddle carefully with the shade of blue
  11. No no no! The photo you've chosen is perfect. Post the finished one here.
  12. No, it's a VERY bad idea. Don't do it. If you're working in such terrible light that it changes every ten minutes, the solution is NOT to leave your calibrator plugged in. It's to fix your lighting situation.
  13. You've posted your SOOR, but I thought you'd done your full edit on this photo? Or am I imagining that?
  14. No, you mustn't keep your calibrated plugged in all the time. Put it safely in a cupboard until it's time to calibrate each month.
  15. I'm so sorry, I don't know anything about the Apple device But I'll be interested to hear your thoughts if you try it. No particular instructions for this monitor, just the usual instructions.
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