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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. No no no no no! You don't need new prints!!!!!! Any old prints will do.
  2. No, Windows and PS will never match each other. PS is colour-managed, Windows is not. The only thing that matters is getting the calibration right so that PS matches your prints. Tell me about that.
  3. Oh! Well, there you go. No, it doesn't carry over, you must calibrate the Samsung. And understand that once you do that, the laptop screen will be useless for editing on. I know there are quite a few people who use HN very happily. I'd say it will be good enough for this purpose, for now at least. Remember that you don't need to order new prints - any prints that you already have lying around are fine.
  4. I have to pop out and pick up my kids from a play date. I'll be gone a little while. I wanted to check - did you follow my calibration instructions here? Also, can you tell me which lab you have your prints from?
  5. Terrific. And you'd be aware, I suppose, that the Spyder Express doesn't let you calibrate two screens, so you've only calibrated the Samsung screen is that correct?
  6. Now, this is VITALLY important. Have you made sure that, in the Displays control panel, you've got the screens set to "Extend" not "Duplicate"? Duplicate is very very bad.
  7. Oh, bummer. Samsung screens are notoriously bad. Anyway, let's see what we can do.
  8. Hi Stasia, let's start with a bit more info. Your profile says you have a laptop, but the HD monitor you're talking about - is it an extra monitor that you run off your laptop? Also, which Spyder do you have?
  9. That's great news. By taking the Raw Class. Please don't wait any longer.
  10. Ok, this is really important. As soon as you've finished calibrating, I want to discuss this more. May I see screenshots from the two interfaces?
  11. Oh, I remembered another important question. Do your raw photos look exactly the same between ACR and Photoshop?
  12. What?????? Haven't you read the "troubleshooting" part at the bottom of the instructions??????
  13. You don't set up Photoshop to be less saturated. We have to get it representing the prints exactly, so that you don't EDIT them too saturated.
  14. Oh gosh! Yeah, if they've been inadvertently "colour corrected" that renders them useless for calibration checking.
  15. Never mess with that window. Up the top where it says "Custom", change it back to "North America General Purpose 2". Then press OK to close that window, and never open it again. This is very bad advice, but sadly, lots of labs give it. It's easier for them to do it, than to actually educate their clients about colour management.
  16. No, I mean, is 6500 what you chose when calibrating? No. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/07/proof-setup-working-cmyk-not-really.html
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