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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. One of the Crop Tool settings should be "WxHxResolution" - is that right? It's the one that's ticked in this screenshot: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-M8RAa8SC5go/VIndVW1j_fI/AAAAAAAAWHA/hHS3LUHDI1g/s1600/save%2Bcrop%2Bpreset.jpg
  2. That's easy to fix. Follow the troubleshooting section of the instructions.
  3. Yes, I know, you already told me that. I want to know HOW they compare? Does the MacBook screen match the prints?
  4. Ok, remind me of the change you made to your calibration, that caused this change?
  5. You know that your iPhone is completely irrelevant, right? Any match is entirely a fluke.
  6. In my opinion, complete overkill. Just get a regular tablet to replace your mouse. As you say, they are for artists. In addition to Brian's thoughts, it always comes back to the last paragraph in this article. Don't do it.
  7. I suspect it might be called Kuler now? Are you sure your Photoshop is up to date?
  8. Don't mention it. Glad it was an easy fix in the end PLEASE don't wait any longer to take the Sharpening Class. It will rock your world.
  9. It seems very unlikely. But hey, try it and see. You'll soon know.
  10. No, I'm reluctant to pin any "general rules" to any of this. It depends on each printer's requirements.
  11. Let's talk again after you've compared the prints in good light.
  12. You mentioned "when I post to social media it looks darker and greyer". May I have a link to one of those?
  13. Winner!! It looks great. And as far as I can tell, it's technically perfect. I can't foresee any problems when you send them this file.
  14. And these are the instructions you're following? Including the troubleshooting section?
  15. Hi Jaimie, which calibrator do you have? It's vitally important to ONLY compare your images in Photoshop, or another Adobe program. You can't trust viewers like Preview to be properly colour-managed.
  16. No, sorry, ditch it. 1/50th was too slow, eh?
  17. Oh, see how the leading field is blank? That shouldn't be. Try not to vary leadings if you can.
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