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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. And have you successfully calibrated both? I mean, do they both match your pro lab prints?
  2. Gee, no, that's fine! Perfect!
  3. And it's only the image in Photoshop which visibly changes? Not the whole screen?
  4. So, what was the upshot of this? Have you tried changing it back and forward any more times? Was it just a fluke, or your imagination, or definitely a thing?
  5. Before you recalibrate, I need you to do this: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/10/how-to-properly-re-install-spyder.html
  6. What the hell?????? Personal preference has NOTHING to do with this. I asked about print match only. Do you, or do you not, have pro lab prints in your hand right now, comparing them to their exact files on your screen?
  7. Ok. Can I clarify a couple of things from your original post? Have you recalibrated since all this trouble began? Also ... When you first typed this you sure made it sound like the ACR colours were wrong. Can you confirm that you are now CERTAIN that the ACR colours are correct? Or to ask it another way, does Firefox match your prints exactly?
  8. Thanks. And you said (just so I'm clear) that if you "Assign" your monitor profile to the image in Photoshop, it makes it even less like Firefox?
  9. Ok, can you go through the motions for me? In Firefox, press Ctrl O to open a jpeg file which is saved on your hard drive somewhere. In Photoshop, open the same Jpeg file. Position Firefox and Photoshop beside each other, and take a screenshot for me, so I can see the difference.
  10. In a way, that's good. That's correct behaviour. Unlike that weird fading thing. Good. So I want to know, does Firefox show correct colours, like ACR, or dull colours like Photoshop?
  11. I'm so sorry, I bet you've been trying to respond to this. There was a website problem while I was asleep. I've just cleared it, you can post again now.
  12. My poor son is begging me for a bike ride, I have to go, I'm so sorry. When I get back later I'll check in for your report about Firefox.
  13. Ok, please swap the screens around 1 <-> 2. See if that makes any difference (it almost certainly won't.) Then install Firefox and set it up exactly per these instructions. Then, see what Firefox matches - ACR or PS.
  14. Ok, next question. Back to the control panel - which screen is "Screen 1" and which is "Screen 2"? If you're like most people, the laptop will be #1, and the external will be #2, is that right? Oh, further to that question, which web browser do you use?
  15. Let's continue our discussion here. Email is so clumsy. What screen are you editing on at the moment?
  16. Just to check - your Color Setting (in the Edit menu) are still on "North America General Purpose 2" like they should be, right?
  17. Ok, that's disappointing, but let's press on. You may return the screen to the normal profile now. In Photoshop, with your photo open, go to Edit>Assign Profile. Presently your image has sRGB, of course - I want you to assign the monitor profile to it instead. Then tell me if that makes the problem better, worse, different or no change.
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