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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Do not - repeat, DO NOT - try to remove the red cast. It belongs there, it's meant to be there, and the photo would look darn weird without it. Instead, make the flag redder. Own the cast. Give me a few minutes, I'll post something.
  2. Even though it looks yellow, and orange in some parts, was the flag in actuality red?
  3. This is most likely a monitor profile issue, but we won't know for sure until you calibrate. Report back when you have done so.
  4. No, sorry, the repeated patterns are still really obvious. You'll need to find some generic greenery from a different photo to put in there, I think.
  5. Well, the next time you have a photo, post it here IMMEDIATELY. And I urge you to take a little time to read these.
  6. He'd pour a tall drink, and start patiently cloning out the most prominent strand. He'd ignore all the thinner wisps, because he values his sanity.
  7. Good on the left, bad on the right.
  8. Gee, your cloning is pretty obvious in the background
  9. Whoa. For future reference: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/09/extract-then-copy-vs-copy-then-extract.html For now, I suggest adding a Levels layer above the dad layer, and clipping it thereto (Ctrl Alt G). Then change the Levels layer's blend mode to either Soft Light or Overlay, and see if you like the slight extra punch.
  10. I have a suggestion, but I'm not sure how it will work. May I see a screenshot of your layers panel?
  11. Oh gee, Stacey, that's a gift, use it. Your Grandad's feet are at a plausible angle that your Dad's are not. I'd try to use GD's feet, and merge the two men mid-leg if at all possible. It wouldn't be easy, but it would DEFINITELY be worth it.
  12. May we see the original? I agree with Christina, for whatever it's worth. I think his opacity should be lower.
  13. If your Grandad was there before, could you have used his feet shadow?
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