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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Please let's discuss this in class, on a photo-by-photo basis.
  2. No, 120 is too bright. Please follow my exact calibration directions here.
  3. I'm sure I referenced it in the epilogue module of the Bridge Class. Let's start over. May I see your SOOR, straightened?
  4. You NEVER open a jpeg into Photoshop. Ever.
  5. You open the raw file into Photoshop, then you do the straightening as the VERY first step. Before you've even saved it as a PSD.
  6. Then why the heck are you saving as a jpeg?????
  7. Use a 100% brush. No, channel mixer is taught in the channel mixer class of course, not levels.
  8. Let's not go any further with this until you've taken the Bridge Class. Your workflow is clearly an awful awful mess.
  9. First, add a Channel Mixer adjustment layer. Go to "Output Channel: Blue" and change the numbers from 0, 0, +100, 0 to 0, +100, 0, -7. (Make sure you get the order exactly right). Then mask to the area inside the glasses. Then add a new blank layer above that. Choose your Clone Tool and make sure it's set to "Sample: Current & Below" in the Options Bar. Carefully clone over the remaining problem areas.
  10. Possible, yes. But not easy. Her arm in her hair will be the trickiest part. Go ahead and do your raw processing first, then we'll discuss.
  11. This one is harder because of the big rocks in the background. Do you have any other photos from this same set, that would provide the missing background detail?
  12. This one will be dead easy. After doing your raw processing, the first step in Photoshop is the straightening. Then use this method to remove the other girl.
  13. Gee, I don't know! What about if try rearranging the windows? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/07/photoshops-arrange-functions.html
  14. How weird! Have you also deleted that profile from the bowels of your system? Should be here: C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color
  15. You're right, the colour space is definitely the problem, but neither of those are right. You must only work in sRGB. Please ditch stupid Lightroom. https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-30-day-challenge/
  16. That all sounds fine. I mean, 12GB of RAM is a bit on the low end in these modern times, but it should still run ok as long as you don't keep too many programs open at once; and don't open too many photos at once.
  17. @pattyfhorne can you tell me which X-Rite you have?
  18. To be safe, can you do this for me? https://www.damiensymonds.net/thread1.html
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