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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hi Kyla, Have you been able to access CC in the past? Or is this the first time you've ever tried?
  2. Because the PHOTOS AREN'T THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. That'll be the same, except exaggerate the blueness even more on the levels layer?
  4. It will never look the same, because your background is in focus and the deer background isn't. But first, add a Channel Mixer layer on "Luminosity" mode, with "Monochrome" checked, 0, 0, +100, 0. Then a Levels layer: RGB 40/1.00/255 Red 0/0.95/255 Blue 0/1.30/255
  5. Also this: https://www.facebook.com/groups/askdamien/posts/4514990608561104/ And of course you'll need to re-read the first few slides of the "Wonderful Quick Mask" module in the Levels Class.
  6. Well, here's one: https://www.facebook.com/groups/askdamien/posts/3170551753005003/ Brian has also written here: https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/33183-setting-up-photohop/
  7. No, sorry. Number 5: https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/106-read-this-first-posting-guidelines-and-featured-threads/
  8. You're right, I have no idea, sorry. To reset preferences, go to Preferences>General, and hit the "Reset Preferences on Quit" button.
  9. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/10/noise-reduction-and-sharpening-leap-of.html
  10. Playing with graphics card settings is definitely not ideal, but yes, it might be necessary I suppose. After adjusting, you'd need to recalibrate.
  11. Then that would seem to suggest that your screen is still too bright?
  12. The skintones have whiter highlights on screen, do you mean?
  13. Thanks. Are any of them particularly problematic, or are they all showing fairly consistent differences between screen and print?
  14. You adjust the brightness ON YOUR MONITOR. Using the buttons.
  15. The fact that you're trying to use Windows 11 to adjust the brightness makes me think that you're not follow the right instructions? These are the instructions you need: https://www.damiensymonds.net/cal_S5X_pc.html
  16. I'm so sorry Cathy, this is beyond my skill. I don't know how to do it.
  17. Oh boy! I've never had a question like this before! May I see them up close?
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