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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Ok, this is really important. As soon as you've finished calibrating, I want to discuss this more. May I see screenshots from the two interfaces?
  2. Oh, I remembered another important question. Do your raw photos look exactly the same between ACR and Photoshop?
  3. What?????? Haven't you read the "troubleshooting" part at the bottom of the instructions??????
  4. You don't set up Photoshop to be less saturated. We have to get it representing the prints exactly, so that you don't EDIT them too saturated.
  5. Oh gosh! Yeah, if they've been inadvertently "colour corrected" that renders them useless for calibration checking.
  6. Never mess with that window. Up the top where it says "Custom", change it back to "North America General Purpose 2". Then press OK to close that window, and never open it again. This is very bad advice, but sadly, lots of labs give it. It's easier for them to do it, than to actually educate their clients about colour management.
  7. No, I mean, is 6500 what you chose when calibrating? No. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/07/proof-setup-working-cmyk-not-really.html
  8. Well, this is all the control you have: https://www.damiensymonds.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/14.-s5p08.gif
  9. Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest there would be anything wrong with your screen. It's a great screen, it'll serve you well for many years to come. Both are great. See which you can find at the best price.
  10. This is the Photoshop solution, of course, but you should be able to adapt it to a raw preset fairly easily if desired. Download PSD
  11. I'd hoped for a bit more masked off the subjects, particularly their skin, to be honest.
  12. Oh gee, it's LED. I was afraid of that. X-Rite discontinued the manufacture of the i1Display2 a few years ago, because it doesn't work well with LED screens
  13. The minilab prints are fine. Preferable, even. Avoid gloss paper, go for lustre. How new/old is your monitor?
  14. Good. Now add this Levels layer: Red 85/1.50/255 Green 0/0.45/255 and 30/255 Blue 0/0.55/255 Then with a 10% brush, mask gently off the subjects to your taste.
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