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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. This section where you posted is fine. The best piece of advice I got when setting up this site was "Don't have too many sections. Keep it simple."
  2. Yes please. I can't possibly know what you want, let alone help you, if I don't see it.
  3. Do you have links to backlit photos you'd like to mimic?
  4. The features are all still exactly the same. But yes, the buttons look different. I think you need the little icon immediately to the right of the "H:500px" in the options bar.
  5. Oh yeah, that looks much better quality. I think the Handyman Method will work just fine.
  6. Ok. You mentioned that you'd tried the various white temp options in the Spyder software. But are you sure you chose the best colour setting on the screen itself? What are the options called, and which one have you chosen?
  7. Oh, that's unfortunate. I guess just copy and flip (and slightly squish) the other side.
  8. Chantel, you have to read EVERY.SINGLE.WORD of EVERY.SINGLE.PAGE on the troubleshooter. You are skimming, and that's why you're getting confused.
  9. By clicking the appropriate blue button at the bottom of the page!!!!!! Either the one that says "Yes, mine already looked like that" or "Mine didn't look like that, but I've changed them now".
  10. I just went to your FB page and checked that photo for you. It doesn't look great, but it doesn't look anywhere near as bad as your new screen is showing, I promise. While you're waiting for your calibrator to arrive, make sure you gather some prints from your pro lab. You'll need those to check the calibration.
  11. Calm down. All we can do today is get your colour space right. Your viewing problems will be solved when the Spyder arrives. Be patient. And for heaven's sake don't do any editing until the calibrator arrives.
  12. Forgive me if you're already told us this, I couldn't see it - what screen do you have, exactly?
  13. But if I were to ask you the same question at night time, you'd put "colder" in that blank space? (Just making sure I've got all this straight in my head)
  14. On screen, you mean? We need to simplify this as much as possible. Complete this sentence: "The lighter tones of the photos are _____________ (warmer/colder) on screen than the prints"
  15. I know they are. This is really really bad. Follow the troubleshooter all the way to its conclusion.
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