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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. How about this? I'm not fond of the bottom right-hand corner. Really it should have baseboard there.
  2. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/06/the-wide-gamut-myth.html
  3. Right there, in Camera Raw. You click on that link at the bottom of ACR to change the colour space to sRGB the way it should be. That's right. It's genuinely raw data. Your setting in ACR dictates the colour space. No, preference doesn't come into it. The colour space MUST be set to sRGB.
  4. Good. The backdrop is fixed, as usual, with this method. Download PSD
  5. That's right, it's not in Photoshop. He has to send you the specific file for his printer. This is very common. All the good labs in America, and here in Australia, provide this file to their clients as a matter of course.
  6. That's impossible, and she's an idiot. DON'T listen to her.
  7. That's not the worst of it. https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
  8. Of course the calibrator is vitally important. But it's not relevant RIGHT NOW. Yes, ask him for the profile again if you think it will help.
  9. What you need to understand is that this is not just you. Those yellows and greens are completely unprintable. They'll appear dark and different on every screen, and in every print. This is not a problem for you alone. The way we get around this is by soft-proofing. And to do that, the lab needs to provide you with the profile file. If the lab can't do that, they're not professional enough.
  10. Then you need a new lab. This is a test and he failed it.
  11. Great! Could you email me that file? info@damiensymonds.net
  12. If you sat down with the boss of the lab, and he DIDN'T give you the soft-proofing profile, it's NOT a good lab. Find another one.
  13. Ah yes, it's a bit hidden in PS. Press U to choose the Shape Tool. Then click and hold on that tool in the toolbar to get the little flyout of choices. You'll see Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, and so on. The final one is Custom, and if you choose that you can then access the huge library of shapes in the Options Bar. I have all sorts of things to read about this subject: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/12/simple-clipping-mask-and-storyboard.html https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/02/more-about-storyboards-intersecting.html https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/01/how-to-make-star-shape-in-photoshop.html https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/01/creating-saving-and-using-watermark-ps.html https://www.damiensymonds.net/curved-box-method.html https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/05/tutorial-shapes.html https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/05/making-pdfs-from-photoshop.html
  14. Yes, of course you can't view another program's library in Bridge. You have to navigate to where the photos are actually stored on your hard drive.
  15. Ok, there are a couple of things we can try. First, go to the Window menu, choose "Workspace" then "Reset Workspace".
  16. Can you explain this a bit further? How are you looking at the photos, exactly? Are you double-clicking them?
  17. Well no, because you haven't told me that anything is wrong. Is Photoshop still working properly?
  18. It's true that some items from every manufacturer will have flaws. But what's ALSO true is that people with bad experiences give feedback MUCH more often and vocally than people with good experiences. As long as the specs are good, and you're satisfied that the vendor has a satisfactory returns policy if the worst happens, there's no need to be frightened. The true percentage of flawed items is MUCH lower than the feedback suggests.
  19. You can't really go wrong with the Dell Ultrasharp range.
  20. Hi @OliviaField, please don't wait any longer to dive into your Raw Class.
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