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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Very relevant, yes. You need to examine the sheet very closely with a magnifying glass, to see if they used multiple inks. If so, it's no good.
  2. This. For the love of God, this. And lower the power. Or move the flash further away, or whatever. Yes.
  3. His flash seems to be much lower power than yours? Also, his white balance is shit. I'm sure the little girl's coat is suppose to be at least white, if not cream.
  4. No, her flashes aren't suspect. It's just that she was shooting in light MUCH colder than 5500-6000.
  5. Don't worry, even if you had to completely uninstall Photoshop, you won't lose your actions. They're on your hard drive - wherever you downloaded them. Why are you using such an old version of Photoshop?
  6. It's the same as Photoshop. Just hit Ctrl - (minus key) a few times.
  7. Yes, that looks exactly as it should. I'm flummoxed, sorry. I've never heard of this problem before.
  8. Download the PSD file You can take a look at my layers to see how I did it, then reproduce the steps on your own file.
  9. No, you can't, sorry. Once the photo has been saved on this forum twice, it's had double jpeg compression and the quality is very poor. You'll need to do it yourself. Hold on ...
  10. No, Mary is right. The problem here is that her flash is a LOT warmer than the ambient light. A LOT.
  11. That's perfect, thanks. This is the best I can offer. Copied (and flipped) the better iris from left to right, and a little bit of cloning to take away a bit of the remaining glare. It's not perfect by any means, but at least both irises are there?
  12. Great. Could you re-post the photo for me to check?
  13. So strange. Can you show me a screenshot of the Convert to Profile window so I can check your settings? Have you restarted since this problem occurred?
  14. Ok, that sounds fair. May I see the same crop area from the original photo?
  15. In the meantime, you have a MUCH more serious problem to fix. Please follow this all the way to its end: https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
  16. You did it perfectly, thank you. Can you give me a few minutes to see what's feasible?
  17. Great. Then yes, lower the screen's brightness to get a match.
  18. Gosh, never heard of that one before! May I see a screenshot of the error message?
  19. Let's deal with the first one first. May I see a 100% crop of the face? Here are the instructions: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/09/grabbing-700x700px-100-crop.html
  20. I can't promise it will work for all eyes, no.
  21. How fast should we make it look like she's flying? I mean, should the tie just be gently swaying back a little, or are we wanting to suggest really speedy zooming?
  22. Thanks. I checked, and there's no problem here. The normal Levels approach will work just fine.
  23. Tell me about the light in your room. Are you sure it's bright enough? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/01/light-around-your-computer.html
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